A problem of reaction rate

2008-12-18 8:23 am
A + B2 ≒ AB + B Ea(fwd)=80kJ, Ea(rev)=25kJ

I dont know how to explain that will the rate of reaction between A and B2 increase more than between AB and B if the temperature is increased?

I only know that all molecules have higher collision energy when the temperature is increasing.Then the rate of reaction of them will be increased, but i don't know whether the rate of reaction of A and B2 icrease more than between AB and B?

could any one help me ~ ~?

回答 (1)

2008-12-18 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.temp increase, both reaction rates increase.

use k=A(exp)-Ea/RT, rate constant should increase at elevated temp.

so backward rate is higher. as the activation energy is lower.

2. the increase should be the same. you know rate=k{A}{B}
if there is no incrase in reactant concentration, the rate is dependent
on rate constant. I advise you to substitute some numbers to T1 to

and k=A(exp)-Ea/RT

then rate= A(exp)-Ea/RT *{A}*{B}

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