Will Obama support Taiwan independence?

2008-12-17 8:16 pm

回答 (13)

2008-12-17 9:13 pm
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Is funny how the guy below me supports Taiwan independence, and yet he has a Nazi sign as his profile picture.

Anyways, yes, Obama does support Taiwan Independence, but once he enters into the office, he will change his stands publicly, especially noticing the close ties between China and United States. The same went with Bush, he was "Anti-China" before he was elected, but afterwards, he did change his stands, or rather talked about the independence of Taiwan less.
2008-12-17 9:30 pm
Obama loves China, and that means Taiwan, which is part of China. Don't forget Obama's biggest campaign donors were wall street firms who are counting on him for a pro-business China friendly policy.
2008-12-18 6:59 am
Ties between China and Taiwan in getting better and closer than ever before and I hope Taiwan would rejoin the Mainland. Does not make sense for Obama to encourage Taiwan to be independent - nothing to gain by it.
2008-12-17 8:25 pm
Sure he will. I voted for Obama because of his views of the independence for Taiwan.
2008-12-18 12:19 am
Obama, like all presidents before him, will do what's best in the interest of The United States. If China became an significant partner (trading or militarily) over Taiwan, than you can bet that US will dump Taiwan in a heartbeat. It is just that Taiwan holds strategic value in the Eastern rim and locale with Japan, Korea, Phillipines, etc... that the US will have to keep Taiwan as an "ally"
So Obama will not likely risk angering China over Taiwan, especially when the trade and other inter-dependency factors deepens with China.
good luck
2008-12-18 8:38 pm
I think Obama will have other things more important (ie. US economy) to worry about than the independence of another nation.
2008-12-18 12:50 am
To day , with out Trade with China , USA will become very " poor ". as every where , every things in USA is MADE IN CHINA . non of one people can escaped China made , of course if there paid 10 time of money , always can forgot made in China. but how many people in USA can do that ?. so, because of "money " Obama he won do that. eg, 5 day ago, because of France President make China unhappy, China cancel order of 300 unit Air-Bus for the next 2 year ! there loss 5 B USD business, can USA afford for that ? China can always buy from Russia , ( cheap and good now ), and stop for Boeing , if Obama support Taiwan independence too clearly .
2008-12-19 8:09 am
Obama don't want no drama, so he'll maintain the status quo, ie. strategic ambiguity with regard to the Taiwan independence issue.
The US nominally supports democracies around the world, and Taiwan has strategic value as an outpost of US (and SEATO allies) power in the Pacific.
China and Taiwan both stand to benefit from the cultural and economic exchanges which are being promoted by the Ma administration.

The US red line is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan
China's red line is a Taiwanese declaration of independence.

Short of either outcome, China, The US and Taiwan can all live together peacebly and prosperously.
2016-10-04 7:13 pm
I see no data that the rustic is in any hurry to renowned Taiwan's independence. Mr Obama has already made it clean that he prefers that neither China nor Taiwan makes any strikes to alter the status quo. do you comprehend something that we don't, or is your question purely idle conjecture? I disagree with the previous answerer, who asserts that Taiwan would be self sustaining if the rustic says so. the rustic does no longer rule the international, and different international locations do no longer unavoidably dance to a track called in Washington.
2008-12-20 6:59 am
I don't think it's Obama's say so over Taiwan

let's say Taiwan declares independence, that just give us the reason to use military force, also, it would become an internal affair, which the US doesn't want to get mixed up with.

countries like Iraq & Afghanistan can hold up US for years, what do you think China can do?


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