Can any sincere Christian fault these?

2008-12-17 9:37 am
After reading the these:
Rev. 12:5
Rev. 14:6-7 compared with 22:12-13
Rev. 15:3-4
Rev. 21:3,5-7 compared with Rev.19:4
Titus 2:13-14
Rev. 1:7 ref. Zech. 12:10
Ezekiel 44:1-3
Hosea 13:10-11 ref. Hosea 3:5
Zech. 2:10-11
Zech. 6:12-13
Zech. 9:9-11
Zech. 10:12
Zech. 14:5-7
Zech. 14:16-17
Malachi 3:1
Malachi 4:4-6
Psalm 45
I Timothy 3:16
Can any sincere christian say he/she does not understand that The Titles and Personalities conveyed by The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit refers to the only GOD, Jesus?
I really want to know if I have a family out there!!

回答 (9)

2008-12-17 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same God.

Here is how to understand this.

God said that He made us in His image.
When He made us, he created us as a soul, a body and a spirit (Genesis 2:7 & 1 Thessalonians 5:23). Each of these have totally different functions, yet the three constitute a single human. The body is made of this world's components which God breathed the breath of life (the spirit) into, and man became alive and conscious (soul). "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground [the body], and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [the spirit], and man became a living soul [the soul]."
We are a singular plurality. One, consisting of three parts.

Because man is a singular Being that consists of three parts, and because man is created in God's image, therefore God must be a singular Being that consists of three parts. Each part of man is made in the image of each part of God.

GOD: Father/Son/Holy Spirit
MAN: Soul/Body/Spirit

Our soul is made in the image of the Father,
our body is made in the image of Jesus,
our spirit is made in the image of the Holy Spirit.

It is written in Colossian 2:9 that Jesus is the body of God,
"For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

Our body does the will of our soul (our mind and conciousness) by the power of our spirit. Your soul (mind) gives the command, your body obeys it, and your spirit empowers you to do it.

This is why Jesus, as the body of God, always stated He came to do the will of the Father. Notice that he said "the will of THE FATHER; He never said He came to do the will OF GOD, because that would imply that He is not God. He and the Father ARE GOD, but Jesus (the body of God) was sent to do the will of the Father. It is equivillent to, say, John's body saying, "I'm doing the will of the soul". It would be silly for the body to say "I am doing John's will - as though the body were independent from John; the body is also part of John, therefore the body would identify the fellow part of John that gave it orders - the soul.

The Son does the will of the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit
as our body does the will of our soul by the power of our spirit.

This is also why Jesus said the Father is greater than Him. It's been asked how Jesus can be God if His Father is greater. With a human, though the soul and body and spirit are all equal, it is the soul which has the authority to command the body. It is the soul which dreams, invents, thinks, determines, and chooses, and it is the soul which has the final say as to what your entire collective being wil do (this is why the mind can overrule physical trauma in an emergency, performing astounding feats - the soul has final is the final authority of a person's Being). Hence, Jesus, though He is God The Body, nevertheless was subordinate to God the Father because the Father is the soul of the Godhead. It is by His will that anything is done - hence, "I have come to do the will of My Father." Yet it is written that, because Jesus the Body of God willing chose to pay the penalty for our sins, God the Father has made God the Body (His Son Jesus) to be equal on all terms and in everyway, and has commanded that all creation bow and worship before God the Body (Jesus). And thus Jesus is glorified, and the Father glorified through Him; and at the very end, Jesus Himself will bow and glorify God the Father who, by His will, has done all things.
2008-12-17 9:39 am
Stop reading this fictional crap please.
2008-12-17 9:45 am
i support you. praise God for your post. persevere!
btw, Jesus is God the Son.
參考: yep, read the Bible, confess to God and ask Him for strength
2008-12-17 9:42 am
don't worry there are people out there like you. im a christian too. i had an aunt that had a really hard time during highschool and she said that the revelations got her through. =)
2008-12-17 3:21 pm
Dear Friend,

Jesus Christ "is" God all Powerful. Period! He is the only true "living" God. All other gods are...dead!
2008-12-17 9:41 am
Ummm.....I don't have time to just go look up 20 random verses.....go find a pastor maybe? I don't really understand the question either.
2008-12-17 9:47 am
If I was in your family....I'd run away from home
2008-12-17 9:40 am
"what would you like to know?"
2016-05-31 10:23 pm
Reflective answer.... its because these christians that hold themselves or their society above another because of their church and their standards are misled in the lessons of the Bible. and are blind to the Truth as told by Jesus through his dictation to his deciples. lol ask the pope Personal answer. Its probably because they are still full of sin and dont know the first thing about being a christian which is to be Kind at heart, considerate, Outwardly Pationate, and filled with and showing Agape Love. this does not mean to accept sin and Hatred but does not mean to discriminate against other christians at all. simple answer to fix these people is to get filled with the holy spirit. ask for the baptism of the spirit from someone else who as it.

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