my boyfriend thinks I am obsessed with him ?

2008-12-17 9:34 am
He keeps talking to this girl that I think likes him. She has a boyfriend. She keeps talking about sex with my boyfriend. I don't feel comfortable. I keep telling my boyfriend I don't feel comfortable about him talking to her. When I am not with him she "takes care of him". She buys him food. Why does she always do that when I am not there? he says because he didn't have money or food with him. I think he should of hung out with his guy friends instead, but he says that he doesn't wanna talk about drug or alcohol and when he is with her all they do is talk about sex. She really annoys me. I hate the fact that she spends every minute possible with MY BOYFRIEND!. He calls me obsessed, but I don't think I am obsessed I just care about our relationship. I don't know what to do with him. I am in love with him. He is not in love with me. I cant force him to be in love with me. I guess time will just tell, but for the time being what should I do about him and this "close friend" of his because he is not telling me how close they really are. He just tells me the are "close". Thank you in advance.

I am in love with him.


Its not that easy to just leave someone. I am crazy in love with him but he just loves me. Maybe someday he might fall in love with me who knows? I am just so scared about what Eddie said. It frightens me so much!!! I cant sleep because of what Eddie said. I keep tossing and turning. I feel so sick to my stomach right now..

回答 (9)

2008-12-17 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
interesting words " I am in love with him and he is not in love with me"

If this guy is not in love with you then maybe you should drop the relationship. Maybe I should rephrased it . If you do not think your boyfriend will ever be in love with you then you should let the relationship go.

This girl had peak your boyfriend interest because she talks about sex with him. It kinda like your boyfriend is watching porn but he is not but he is able to talk about sex with a girl that is not his girlfriend and obviously he likes talking about sex with her.

I am note sure of your question but I do believe you should be concern about their relationship because if you truly feel he is not in love with you and this girl is bring him food and basically peak his interest about sex where he feels more comfortable talking to her about sex than you then you need to put your foot down and be strong and tell him that it is not cool and you are not going to stand for it. But the problem with that will be you will basically push him into her arm.
2008-12-17 9:41 am
leave him.
he shouldnt be talking to other girls 4 a start
dump him and if he comes running bak to u
then u will know that he really did love u
if he dosent then u know that he didnt really have feeling 4 u
and liked someone else WHILE. u were going out with him.
2008-12-17 10:36 am
I'm afraid it doesn't look good! You're right to be concerned and want to know exactly where you stand. You could tell him you've got the flu and will be spending the next couple of days in bed but instead spy on him with this girl. If he thinks you're safely out of the way then he'll do what he wants with this girl which will maybe be something that you'll not want to see but at least you'll know so you can dump the b*stard! It also might be completely innocent but somehow I don't think so. Good luck!
2008-12-17 10:18 am
HI, I have just your problem. As all other people who have answered your question. I also have to say that leave that guy! Not because he says that you are obsessed with him. But because he doesn't LOVE you. he only like his close friend because he don't want Love. he really need something else and that is her body. so I just wanna say that "LEAVE HIM AND JUST MOVE ON IN LIFE"............
and I pray to GOD that YOU find a true LOVE
NOT because he is cheating you but I think that somewhat you are just like ME...............
But the difference between ME and YOU is that I don't believe in LOVE whereas YOU have someone in your life..............
2008-12-17 9:48 am
see this thing none else cn answer u only have to do what is to be done so have a chat with him and explain ur feellings to him and iam sure he will understand after all he is ur boyfrend. and may they are just frends only may ur are thinking wrong
2008-12-17 9:42 am
wow. what a ******* asshole. he knows it's upsetting you and he won't stop? and the fact that their talking about sex is just not right at all. Not one bit. Leave his ***. If he wants her then he can have the slut. If you like him too much for that then tell him it's you or her. Teach him a lesson. Let her know that he's YOUR boyfriend and NOT hers. And even tell her boyfriend whats been happening. I'd love to see that play in action(:

good luck(:
2008-12-17 9:38 am
Clearly he knows this bad behavior on his part is hurtful to you and will not stop it. Therefore he needs to be taught a lesson. Leave him.
2008-12-17 9:57 am
i agree that you should leave him.
it hurts to leave someone you love, but he's definitely not a good person.
think about it, how do you feel if a "guy friend" keep talking to you about sex? that's called sexual harassment, honey. they're definitely flirting and he doesn't want to stop it. the truth is, he doesn't love you. why get suck with someone less than worthy?

btw, if all he knows is talking about drug, alcohol and sex, you better leave him if this gal doesn't exist. find someone who has more in his mind and brain.
2016-12-11 4:47 am
i think of roughly mine each and all of the time too by way of fact he's to this point away. as long as you do no longer call/textual content textile him each and every waking 2nd, this isn't any longer undesirable. additionally, once you're putting your existence on carry for him, that may no longer good the two, you may desire to easily be valuable you're no longer putting aside you own stuff to obsess over him. stay your individual existence! No boy is ever incredibly worth sacrificing your existence, and the flaws you adore!

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