
2008-12-18 7:56 am

回答 (1)

2008-12-18 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
行政總裁 = Chief Executive Officer, 簡稱 CEO

迷你債券 = Minibonds

保障投資者= Guarantee Investor

特區政府= Special Administrative Region Government
香港特區政府 = Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government

人民幣業務= Renminbi Business

國家旅遊局= China National Tourism Administration (CNTA)

醫院管理局 = Hospital Authority

政府化驗所 = Laboratory


烏頭類生物鹼= Alkaloid of Aconite

關節疼痛= Arthrosis Ache

四肢無力 = Limply

噁心= gag, heave the gorge, keck, nausea, nauseate, retch, sicken

嘔吐 = shoot one's cookies, sick up, spew, throw up, retch, vomit, fetch up, disgorge

呼吸困難= Difficult to Breathe

心律紊亂= arrhythmia

本港註冊 = Hong Kong Trademark

祛風除濕 = Dispels Wind-damp & Eliminates Dampness

2008-12-18 00:25:57 補充:
取得的款項= Gain a sum of money, acquire a sum of money

1億元的融資= One Hundred Million Financing

保健產品 = Health Product

2008-12-18 00:26:11 補充:
--- end ---

2008-12-21 02:50:34 補充:
1 billion 係 10億

2008-12-21 02:51:13 補充:
1 billion 係 10億元呀
參考: , myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 12:53:12
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