what are some good types of food for a cultural food day?

2008-12-17 12:17 am
I need to find a good food that represents a culture in the world.
I know there's like baklava but thats too plain and boring and simple.

回答 (9)

2008-12-17 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
go african!

This is a recipe for piri piri salad. it is soooo good. plus it's healthy, and meatless. but don't let that scare you away. its very flavorful.

also I was doing a project very similar to this, and I was assigned african dishes (we were split up by continent) and the other girl made a dish called mafe. I heard it was very good, but didn't eat it because it had beef in it. My mom also made it for the rest of my family, and they liked it (and they're picky...)
2008-12-17 3:53 am
Chinese - Yang Chow Fried Rice / Dim sum
Japan - Sushi
Korea - KImchee
India - Curry
USA - Hamburger
England - Fish & Chips
Germany - Bratwurst
Swiss - Fondue
France - Crepe Suzette
Italy - Pasta
Spain - Paella
2016-12-11 4:24 am
could I advise you touch the religious leaders (vicar, rabbi, Imam) or (and this could could sound stupid!) you community takeaways! yet another theory is to easily communicate with the persons the place you artwork and ask them! India has Hindus and Sikhs. Croatia has Moslems and Christians (yet i do no longer understand what variety of Christian). China has Confucianism, Taoism (Daoism), Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism (besides as those already mentioned) besides the incontrovertible fact that, for China you will be thinking of the chinese language New year. regrettably, i do no longer understand adequate approximately any of those religions so won't be able to supply you any suggestion - basically places to decide for suggestion! once you have some concepts of the gala's and their names, you should consistently ask returned for greater suggestion! good success consisting of your arrangements - and could the food flavor as good by way of fact the attempt you place into getting to comprehend it! I basically desire the diners celebrate with it!
2008-12-17 3:16 pm
rice and beans, fried plantains, sweet sticky rice (may be hard to find the glutinous rice if you don't have an Asian grocery store nearby), spring rolls

2008-12-17 3:59 am
Tanzania- Pilau
2008-12-17 3:33 am
rosin torte!!! serbian and the BOMB!!!! or turkish delight...delicious ;)
2008-12-17 1:13 am
2008-12-17 12:38 am
Argentinian Empanadas

Dough Wrapper
2 cups all-purpose flour
1-2 tsp salt
1 cup cold butter, cut into small cubes, or 1 cup lard
2 eggs
2/3 cup cold water
2 tbs white vinegar

Argentine Meat Filling
1 lb ground beef, turkey, or chicken
4-6 hard boiled eggs
1 cup green olives (optional)
handful of raisins (optional)
1 or 2 large onions
3 cloves of garlic
2-3 tbs ground cumin powder
1 tsp chili powder
2 tsp sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Sift the flour.
Mix the sifted flour and salt in a large bowl.
Blend in the solid butter or lard with your fingers, (best to cross cut with two sharp knives) until it breaks up. The flour mixture should have an even, coarse texture. The butter lumps should be no larger than the size of a pea.
Beat together the eggs, water, and vinegar in a bowl. Add to the flour mixture and mix together.
Place the mixture on a floured surface. Knead with the heel of your hand to bring the dough together.
Cover the dough and allow to sit in a cool place for at least an hour.
Roll out the dough until it is about 1/8 of an inch (0.3 cm) thick. Cut into circles about 4-6 inches (10 - 15 cm) in diameter and lightly flour them.

Heat some oil in a large saucepan. Mince the onions and garlic, and add to the pan. Cook until the onions become translucent.
Add the ground meat. Break it up with with a spoon and cook, stirring until lightly browned. Drain off fat.
Mix in the cumin, chili powder, and sugar.
Chop the hard boiled eggs and halve the stuffed olives. Carefully mix into the meat mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Prepare and Bake
Preheat the oven to 400ºF/200ºC.
Stuff the empanada dough wrappers. Place 2-3 tablespoons of the filling in the center of each wrapper. Dampen the outer perimeter of the dough.
Fold over, forming a semicircle. Pinch a corner of the dough, and then fold that section onto itself. Pinch and pull out another 1/2-inch (1.2 cm) section and fold over, so that it slightly overlaps the first piece. Repeat along the length of the folded side, until you create a braided or twisted seal.
Place the folded empanadas on a greased cookie sheet. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown.
2008-12-17 12:38 am
lo mien

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