Which British newspaper is your favourite? And why?

2008-12-15 11:10 pm
Please do explain your reasons... quality, political allegiance, design, etc. If you like two or more newspapers for different reasons, feel free to mention both!

Here are my preferences...

My favourite is the Times for its relatively neutral stance and its rather interesting writing style. When it does express a political opinion, I find myself agreeing with its moderately conservative but usually well-reasoned viewpoint. Its coverage caters to a wide spectrum of interests (it seems to have many more international stories than the Guardian or the Telegraph, for example) and I always find myself glued to the Times for longer than any other newspaper or magazine. The opinion section is lively and often humorous.

I find the blatant political biases of the Guardian and the Telegraph rather hard to stomach. Of course, their articles are of high quality and not sensationalist, unlike the tabloids. However, the Guardian always seems to be banging on about excessive police power and social inequality, whilst in today's Telegraph, there were no fewer than THREE stories about how British people and Christians are being sidelined in favour of Muslims and immigrants. Yes, both the Guardian and the Telegraph have a point, but there's really no need to keep bringing it up again and again (often in rather trivial stories)!

That said, I like the Guardian's layout and design. It's very pleasing to the eyes and I believe it's won a couple of awards.

All right, I've voiced my opinion. Your turn now!

回答 (5)

2008-12-17 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Independent on Sunday. While I rarely read newspapers I like The Independent as it usually represents each point-of-view, it's photography it usually good quality (though you usually read the text and not pictures right ?). I also like the fact it's not a tabloid either. I don't like how expensive it is though (over £1.50 atleast).
2008-12-16 7:16 am
The Guardian, because it is the perfect size to line our rabbit hutch.
2008-12-16 2:51 pm
They are all biased in one way or another, and i will read any paper that's lying around. actually not the Guardian, its a leftie wing rag, and won't read that, but i still like the Telegraph, and the Times.
2008-12-16 7:19 am
I prefer the Guardian because it's the only socialist paper. The Independent is no longer independent, it has gone more right wing with the new editor. The Times is the most objective but has one really ridiculous Sunday supplement that runs stupid interviews with young rich brats and how fab they are.
Then again, the Observer isn't up t much. So on a Sunday I guess it's the Times because it's also got a really good supplement. And during the week it's the Guardian.
2008-12-16 7:14 am
I like the Guardian. they expose Bush's criminality

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