Does the weatherman in you city frequently miss by 20 degrees or more?

2008-12-15 10:51 pm
Today the high was 60 with tonight's low at around 48 in my city. Right now outside, it is 42, and now they are saying the roads will ice tonight. How could the forecast be that wrong? Does your meteorologist get it as wrong as ours does? I left the house with my girls in t-shirts, now they need coats. what is the deal?

回答 (6)

2008-12-15 10:55 pm
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Yes. Linda Church on the NYC station gets it wrong more often than not..its almost comical
2008-12-16 7:02 am
nope, we have a 3 degree guarantee here in central ohio where they predict the temperature and it will be around that temperature by 3 degrees. their pretty much always right. which is pretty amazing since here in ohio it will be 60 degrees and sunny and then two hours later it will be snowing, and then the next day its sunny again.
2008-12-16 7:01 am
I live in the UK and the Met Office (our national weather agency) is actually surprisingly accurate. Its temperature predictions for the next two days are usually spot-on. That said, it has a track record of incorrectly predicting snow in my city! (It hasn't snowed here in nearly two years but we get snow forecasts every week or so -.-)
2008-12-16 6:58 am
Check more then one source. I always do, I check Yahoo weather, Local weather and weather channel. My local weather is more accurate.
2008-12-16 6:53 am
no but it will be in the low 30s or 40s
2008-12-16 6:53 am

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