Virgo which sign are you..?

2008-12-15 10:48 pm
more attractive to and why. Also please add your bday.


回答 (4)

2008-12-16 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
for my BD, i am supposed to be an excellent marriage match for sagittarius ...i can't wait to see how true this is....

sorry , don't give away my BD online...

excellent reference book: "Secret Language of Relationships"...very handy
2008-12-15 11:57 pm
I tend to be more attracted to the fire signs, although primarily Leos and Sagittarians. I guess it's just that more aggressive, active force in juxtaposition with a Virgo's more passive one.
2008-12-15 11:03 pm
I'm a Sagittarius (Nov. 30) but i'm not picky I like them all :)
2008-12-15 10:57 pm
you mean attracted LOL

September 5th

I am not attracted to a certain sign but i know i am attracted to guys born in Nov. to Feb. more than other months

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