Did any one see the news for today, it was funny?

2008-12-15 10:24 pm
An Iraqi man threw two pairs of his shoes at President Bush. Even though he dodge both of them, it was still pretty funny. Turn to any channel that is talking about the news and you will probably see it.

回答 (9)

2008-12-15 11:06 pm
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Yes, it was funny. However, as much as I dislike Bush, I have to give him kudos for taking it all in good humour!
2008-12-16 6:33 am
It was hilarious when Bush said;
"I don't know what his beef is"
Ahahahahaha. I cracked up :D

Answer mine please?
2008-12-16 6:28 am
Hahaha, yeah I saw it today.
2008-12-16 6:30 am
Yeah, it was funny if you think showing disrespect for our county is hilarious.
2008-12-16 6:54 am
2008-12-16 6:58 am
I have watched it probably more than 10 times, and i can never keep myself from cracking up everytime!

i say bravo to that iraqi man!

i also find it quite funny how bush was just smiling the whole time lol. If you watch the videos, you see after he ducks the first one, he's still smiling. LOL is all i can say
2008-12-16 6:37 am
I was hilarious; just like the last 8 years as Bush as president.

I've never seen anything like it in my life!
2008-12-16 6:30 am
yeah, Bush took him in back and shot him
2008-12-16 6:29 am
and then u woke the fuuucck up

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