What is the square root of x ?

2008-12-15 6:13 am
how do you find out √x^3???

回答 (6)

2008-12-15 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-12-15 6:20 am
2008-12-15 6:18 am
Well since powers add when identical bases are multiplied, so split the x's.

√(x² * x)

◊ Distribute the radical across the multiplication ◊

√(x²) * √(x)

2008-12-15 6:18 am
removed x^2 from x^3 leaving you with x√x
2008-12-15 6:17 am
x sqrt(x)
2008-12-15 10:41 am
= √(x^2 * x)
= x√x

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