I'm sick, but I didn't think it was that serious?

2008-12-14 10:44 am
Today I went to the doctors after having really bad heaches, blurry eye sight, trouble sometimes with balancing while walking, very red eyes, back pain and excessive vomiting.

The doctor did some bloody tests on me today and said he'd have them back to me by tomorrow morning. But he looked uncertain once he had done them, and asked me to leave the room so he could have a word with my parents.

Ever since we left there, my parents have been very silent and have been acting really strange.

What's going on? I'm actually kind of scared. What do you think I could have. The doctor said it could be an inner ear infection at the start but by the end he dismissed that idea.

I'm really curious to know what's wrong with me.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance :)

回答 (8)

2008-12-14 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Asking your parents would be the best idea.
However, it seems more serious than an inner ear infection. blurry eye sight shows possible problems in your occipital lobe of your brain. and trouble balancing can show problems in your cerebellum. severe headaches could be due to brain trouble.

IDK what it is, but my thoughts are that your skull is losing fluid. you have fluid in your skull that keeps your brain floating and prevents it from bumping into the sides of you skull and bruising it. There was a man who was losing fluid through a hole in his spine, so they had to blosk the hole so the fluid would go back to the skull. because there wasn't enough fluid, the cerebellum and the occipital lobe would be resting on the bottom of the skull causing pain (headaches) and occassionally blurred vision.

I'm not saying thats what you have, but ur symptoms sound similiar. Asking your parents, or waiting for the doctor to tell you is the best idea. Keep praying, and I will for you :)
2008-12-14 11:15 am
Go to your parents and tell them you want to know what's going on. It's your body, you deserve to know. I really hope everything turns out ok keep us updated ok :) all the best i really hope you're ok
2008-12-14 10:50 am
i'm really sorry about all of that.
i hate when my parents don't tell me stuff about
my own body. they didn't tell me i had my ovary removed
until four days after the fact... (i knew i had the surgery, but not the whole removal bit).

i don't know what it could be, but obviously your parents know something. i'd start by talking to them. just say that you feel like you have a right to know what the doctor talked to them about since it's concerning your body. if they use the lame excuse "oh we don't want to scare you", tell them that you're already scared not knowing and that it'd bring you a little comfort to know what might be wrong.

i hope it's nothing horribly serious.
2008-12-14 1:28 pm
I won't even begin to speculate what you might be suffering form, nor why your parents haven't told you.
You need to ask your them to tell you what the doctor said. Good news or bad news you have every right to know!
2008-12-14 11:46 am
i have no clue, but i just pray that you're ok.

they may be worried because the doc. isn't sure yet. but do talk to your parents, show your love and concern instead of demanding an answer. afterall, all parents worry a lot even when the child only has a cold.

do let us know when you know the answer though. perhaps we can help pull some experts in if the doctors aren't sure

take care!
2008-12-14 10:49 am
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. It could be many things, from cancer to a chemical imbalance.
2008-12-14 10:49 am
don't be worried,,, i think you have a flu bug or a touch of food poisoning...
2008-12-14 2:19 pm
Dude you have a STD and the doctor told them your sexually active.......NO NO NO just kidding dude be honest with your parents and tell them you want to know what the doctor said and that you can handle it. and what is the next step to finding out what is wrong with you. open communication with your parents is the best thing to have. have them be honest with you about your situation be prepaired for what they have to say to you


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