What should I do to lose 15kg?

2008-12-14 10:38 am
I am 14 so don't say join a gym or stuff like that. Anyway I have 7 weeks to loose about 15kg before the start of school, but about 4 of those will be spent working but I think it might help because it's physical labor(i.e. digging, lifting moving things etc) and I work from 7am to 3:30pm I have a pool so should I swim? Should I make a schedule? And Finally the whole reason I have decided to lose weight is because i got my braces off and now i want a girlfriend!

回答 (10)

2008-12-14 10:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's always good to swim. a good relaxation also. you can make a schedule but not everyone needs that. but it may help to encourage yourself. :)

1. eat multiple smallllll meals a day
- e.g. save your lunch order into 2 portions, and eat that as snack later

2.cut the snacks and soft drinks, drink a lot of water/tea
- make sure everything is unsweetened
- rinse your mouth with water/brush your teeth when it feels bland and you need to eat
- substitute the snacks with healthy fruits
- sometimes you aren't hungry, you're just thirsty

3. exercise a lot
- if you're a newbie, start stretching a lot.
- you can stretch for half an hour in front of the TV if it helps
- walking helps

4. stay positive and happy, make sure to have enough rest
- believe that you can do it
- go for a massage to relax a bit
- staying up late slows down your metabolism

5. make sure you have the right reason for losing weight
- for your health and wellbeing
- don't lose weight too much that you become sick

** I know you'll probably give me a thumbs down for it, but from my experience, I won't recommend dating at age 14. I'm in my early 20's, started dating when i was 15, and i really regret it. a lot of reasons. but i hope u can maintain healthy relationships with your peers. having a gf will just be too much...

take care and good luck
參考: personal experience
2008-12-14 1:13 pm
this my suggest..
try this , i'm lost 4kg in 10 days!
follow this healthy way

"We all know when you're at your ideal weight, you are more confident and everybody knows that confident people have an attractive aura which is irresistible to others!

Visualize now feeling more confident and happy when taking this, by fully understanding that this tablet is 100% natural and totally organic with no known negative side effects.

Imagine eating your favourite chocolate bar, yet another burger or your indulging in a dessert at your favourite restaurant with a group of friends."

Hope this helps U!

Best Wishes!! :D
2008-12-14 12:42 pm
Go check out bodybuilding.com on how to train. Look for teen bodybuilding.
2008-12-14 10:53 am
That's a bit unrealistic a goal I think but then if you only lost half the weight during the 7 weeks period you'd be doing pretty good.Counting calories can really help to give you an idea of how much you should be eating. try www.sparkpeople.com It's free.
You will need to exercise. Jogging would be great but walking works fine.Swimming is great.Riding your bike can be fun. You can find calories burned calculators online (and on sparkpeople.com) to help you understand how much you need to do to lose the weight you want to lose.
Good luck!
2008-12-14 10:47 am
this is ridiculous, in the nicest way possible it would be impossible to lose 15 kg in 7 weeks - well no, actually, it would be possible, however not healthy and you will almost surely gain it all back - fast weight loss and gain can cause stretch marks and nasty skin.

you need to eat healthily and do regular exercise - 1 hr a day is a guideline - for example do a half an hour swim (swimming is very good as it helps weight loss in all parts of the body and tones them) and half an hour jog. honestly if you keep this up every day, you will notice it. it will obvs be harder at first but it will get easier and make you feel so much better in time,
2008-12-14 10:46 am
well mate i was able to lose pretty much that amount, went from 85kg to 71kg, but it took me much longer than that, i was down the gym 4-6 days a week doing three hour sessions of slow cardio, but as you said you cant go gym, doubt you can lose that much in that short space of time, but anyway cardio exercises, alot couple hours each day, eat really health aswell, definately make a schedule and stick to it.

took me about 3 months to lose most of that. hope this helps : )
2008-12-14 10:46 am
plastic surgery
2008-12-14 10:46 am
Dear,Its very difficult to reduce 15 kg in 7 weeks.Although you do lot of work or swim a lot,you have to follow diet.Because i have consulted a doctor saying that if you want to reduce weight and maintain it you ahve to follow a good diet.As you are saying you dont wanna gym, you can maintain diet and carry out your as usual hard work.But in this case also its very difficult to reduce 15 kg.You can reduce about 10 kg maximum.
2008-12-14 10:45 am
Actually it's not good for your health to lose 15kg in 7weeks. Start with eating habits - small, frequent meals, to improve your metabolism. Then - as you said you have a pool- swim, swim swim! Also running. All types of cardio training. Jumping rope. The results WILL be! You can search fore some tips in the link below Starters Pack->Weight Loss
2008-12-14 10:42 am
Yeh swim and go for a jog. If you want to get in better shape lift weights as well. Also your diet needs to be really good. Cut out the junk food, fizzy drinks. Take in 500 calories below maintenance.

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