hotel in Paris

2008-12-15 7:55 am
First time to Paris and totally no idea. My friend and I (2 girls) will reach there on 27 Jan for few days. Any recommendation for hotel? If the price is around 60 euro will be too happy.

回答 (3)

2008-12-18 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The cost of accomodation in Paris is quite expensive. Budget of 60 euro may not be enough for a twin room which is located in a good district, easily access and well equiped.
If you have no idea abouthe pricing, I suggest you to visit this website first Here you can find lots of hotel information of every cities.
To search for hotel in Paris, please consider areas below

Grands Boulevards
St. Germain
Place d'Italie
The above areas are semi-residential areas, so it will not be very quiet, but easily access by metro. Also, please avoid living hotel with address "75017", "75018", "75019", "75020" and those starting with "9xxxx". They are far away from the city centre !! 75018 is also a red light district.
If you can increase your budget to 70 - 80 euro per night. Then you will easily find a good places.
參考: Living in Paris for a year before + Personal travel experience
2008-12-15 7:18 pm
Well, safety is 1st concern and shall be accessible by metro la
2008-12-15 9:39 am
Which area do you want to stay in? In the centre of Paris and accessible by metro?

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