
2008-12-14 5:50 pm
Up to 90% of child welfare system cases involve multiple types of maltreatment; however, studies have rarely incorporated multiple dimensions of maltreatment.

There appear to be distinct profiles of maltreatment among preschoolers that have differential associations to measures of adjustment. Policy and practice implications and future research directions are discussed

Each type of maltreatment was associated with multiple adolescent health risks.


回答 (2)

2008-12-14 10:48 pm
高達90 %的兒童福利制度的案件涉及多種類型的虐待,但是,研究卻很少納入多層面的虐待,似乎有不同的配置文件中的虐待學齡前兒童有差別協會的調整措施。政策和實踐問題和今後的研究方向進行了討論,每種類型的虐待與多個青少年的健康風險。
2008-12-14 6:22 pm
90%兒童福利救濟系統案件介入虐待的多個類型; 然而,研究很少合併了多個維度虐待。
那裡看來是虐待分明外形在有有差別的協會到調整措施的學齡前兒童之中。 政策和實踐涵義和未來研究方向被談論
參考: 自己

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