
2008-12-14 6:24 am
我想問下雪櫃那些要排熱咪要用加壓器!但我想問下加壓後的水的細c值(specific heat capacity)會唔會變嫁?呀sir話佢冇學過,所以唔識喎!有冇人可以答到我呢?

回答 (1)

2008-12-18 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
The specific heat capacity of water varies with temperature more than with pressure. Under normal daily variation of pressure, you may assume the specific heat capacity be about constant (provided that temperature is also constant).

It is only under very high pressure, ~ 400 MPa (i.e. 4000 atmospheric pressure), that would cause the specific heat capcity of water to decrease. This may be explained as due to the break-up of the hydrogen bonding as the pressure increases, followed by its partial build-up, due to interpenetrating hydrogen bonded networks, at the higher pressures.

Under the pressure in a refrigerator compressor, the value of specific heat capcity of water should not change much.

[I wonder if your teacher has studied physics at university, he shouldn't, in any way, told his students like that!!!].

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