
2008-12-13 9:25 pm
我記得是我大約兩歲的時候 , 我隔離屋發生了一場三級火 , 這 一場火的發生的原因主要係因為當時我隔離屋那家人實在真係太嘈吵 ,就是因為這樣 , 激恕了一位住在附近一位患有精神病的患者 ,結果就引發了這場火警
幸好發生火警的時候撞正我年邁的祖母 , 因為急病而入了醫院 , 而當時我爸爸又因為放假 , 他覺得肚子餓 , 於是就帶了我和媽媽外出吃飯,因此而避過這場火警了。
如果在平日的時候應該只剩下我和我媽媽在家 , 這時真的是不堪設想了

而且當時又係房屋署食飯的時候 , 因為在我家樓下公園的防火鐵欄鎖緊了 , 雖然消防員而於火警發生後五分鐘後到達 , 但係因為開唔到個防火鐵欄 ,因此那輛消防車入不到去救火 , 消防員本來打算用我住的樓層的防火喉來救火 , 怎不知防火喉又沒有水 , 最後要係在百多尺外拖喉灌救
結果我隔離屋那家人就死了三至四個人 , 而且聽說死者當中有一個是懷有嬰兒的

當我慢慢地長大的時候 , 回想起這件事 , 在呢場火警入面我依然能活活生存係呢個世上 , 认識我而家的朋友 , 我已經好幸運啦

這一件事裏, 我更加懂得去珍惜身邊的每一個朋友同每一樣的事物 , 因為我 已經被別人更加幸運了 ,所以我一定會好好珍惜上天賜 給我的每一樣東西!!




回答 (1)

2008-12-13 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I remember when I was two years old, a number 3 alarm fire happened in my neighborhood. The firer was a mental disorder patient who got provoked by the loud noise occurred in a family living next door.
Fortunately my grandma was sent to the hospital due to emergency illness before the fire occurred. My parents and I went out for dinner since my father did not need to work and he felt hungry. So all three of us went out and evaded from the fire.
Normally only my mother and I would stay at home, and I cannot imagine how we would be when the fire occurred. Unfortunately my neighbor could not escaped from the fire!
The fire occurred during the dinner time and the staff of the Housing Department was having their break. Therefore even though the firemen arrived five minutes after the fire occurred, they could not open the firebreak and the fire truck could not get into the building to put off the fire. When the firemen wanted to use the water hose on my floor to put off the fire, they found that the hose had no water. At last they could only get the water from more than 100 meters away.
This tragedy ended up by the death of three to four people in the family living next door, and I even heard that one of them was pregnant!
Now when I am getting older and re-think about this accident, I feel I am really lucky to be still alive and having the chance to be able to know my existing friends.
From this incidence, I learnt more to treasure every friend and everything that I am having now, since I am already much more lucky than some other people. Now I will cherish everything that God bestows me everyday!
Finally I hope everyone can treasure everything around you everyday!.
參考: Myself

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