do those 2 sentences have the same meaning?

2008-12-13 6:07 pm
This figure was found yesterday, locaated in sheet one.

This figure was found yesterday which is located in sheet one

回答 (3)

2008-12-13 7:14 pm
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This figure was found yesterday, located in sheet one.

This figure was found yesterday which is located in sheet one.

兩句基本上意思相同. 應該是指"This figure was found yesterday. It was located in sheet one." 但第一句較口語化,而第二句更符合文法,因為which is有連結的作用.

順帶一提,which is located in sheet one跟which was located in sheet one有點不同.which is located...指資料是昨天找到的,現放在文件的第一頁.which was located...指資料是昨天找到的,原來它在文件的第一頁.

2008-12-14 3:37 am
The figure was found yesterday.<-------------It is a complete sentence.
The figure<-----------Subject
was found<---------- passive voice
yesterday<---------------adverb of time
You are not supposed to make a sentence this way.
The figure which was found yesterday was/is ..........( formal English)
1) The figure found yesterday was located in sheet one.
2) The figure found yesterday is now located in sheet one.
If you want to talk about the past, use 1).
If you want to talk about the present, use 2) then.
By the way, I have divided the sentences into three parts for you.

Hope that helps.

2008-12-13 6:16 pm
This figure was found yesterday, located in sheet one.

This figure was found yesterday which is located in sheet one

Yes, they are same. However, the second one is more formal than the first one.

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