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Helen: Nothing in the world is more valuable than health. Health is worth anything. Agree, Kean?Kean: What are you trying to say? Let's get straight to the point.
Helen: Our neighbor, Ben, whose health is failing after an accident. He's now suffering from arthritis in his left leg.
Kean: Oh, that's too bad. How is his condition now? Any improvement?
Helen: No. His condition is getting worse. He is now undergoing treatment, and seems to be facing financial difficulties. I don't think he'd manage to afford medical treatment soon.
Kean: How do you mean? Did he insure himself against sickness or accident? I really feel sorry for him.
Helen: No, and he didn't even insure himself against redundancy! Er... to be honest, things got worse when he was made redundant because of his illness. He's now living on his savings.
Kean: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! When was it when he got the sack?
Helen: Two months ago. As soon as his boss heard about his health problems, he got sacked. How ruthless his boss is! He's done a lot for the company.
Kean: Who takes care of Ben now? Anyone helps him?
Helen: Sorry to tell you that he's still single and has no family. You know what kind of person Ben is like, he never seeks aid from anyone else.
Kean: How about his friends? Did his friends know his problems? Did they lend him a hand?
Helen: They know it, but I'm sad to tell you that none of his friends was willing to help him. They even shunned him.
Kean: Some friends they are! Poor Ben, how unfortunate he is! Accidents are really unpredictable. Everyone should be fully prepared for any risks by saving money and having insurance.
Helen: You're right. Now, let's pay Ben a visit. He needs sympathy and support.
Kean: Fine. We should help him as much as we can.
2008-12-13 17:16:32 補充:
2008-12-13 22:31:28 補充:
Helen: 我說世上只有健康是無價之寶,健康就是一切。 Kean,你贊同我的說法嗎?
Kean: 我不明白你想說些什麼?你就單刀直入吧。
Helen: 我們的鄰居,Ben,自從一場意外後,他的身體就逐漸衰退,他的左腳還得了關節炎。
Kean: 這簡直是太糟糕了。他目前的病情如何?有改進嗎?
Helen: 他的病情並沒有好轉,倒是持續惡化。他目前有接受治療,但是似乎在經濟上遇到了瓶頸。我擔心再過不久他就支付不了他的醫療費用了。
2008-12-13 22:32:01 補充:
Kean: 這怎麼說?他有替自己買疾病保險,又或則是意外保險嗎?我真是替他感到難過。
Helen: 不但沒有,就連裁退保險他都沒給自己買一份!嗯... 坦白說,由於他的病情之故,他被公司裁退了。他現在僅能靠他的儲蓄為生了。
Kean: 這聽了真的不得不令人心酸啊!他被解僱是幾時的事?
Helen: 兩個月前。他的老闆一得知他的健康狀況出了毛病,當下就把他給解雇了。他的老闆真是不懂得感恩圖報,枉費他替公司作了那麼多貢獻!
Kean: 現在是誰照料 Ben?有人幫助他呢?
Helen: 慚愧地告訴你他目前單身,半個親人都沒有。你知道他的為人,他可是從來不低三下四地去求助於人。
2008-12-13 22:32:33 補充:
Kean: 那麼他的朋友呢?他們知道他的處境嗎?他們有幫助他?
Helen: 他們雖然知道,卻沒有人肯資助他!他那些豬朋狗友甚至還躲避他!我都替他感到不平!
Kean: 虧 Ben 把他們當作朋友!可憐的 Ben,竟然會遭到這些不幸之禍!我說天有不測風雲,人有旦夕福禍。未雨綢繆,通過儲蓄與保險來給自己準備承擔風險也不見得是件壞事。
Helen: 你說得準沒錯。咱們現在去探望 Ben 吧。他一個人挺可憐的,也需要別人的憐憫與支助。
Kean: 當然。我們倒是應該盡全力幫助他。
2008-12-13 22:35:58 補充: