I think it is false labour but Canada's medical system sucks what to do now?

2008-12-12 8:44 pm
I am 37 weeks 4 days pregnant i have been experiencing a constant pain in my belly and back since 10am yesterday around midnight every 2 hours i experienced tightening of my abdomen with am increase in the pain that after about 30 seconds to a min would return to the normal constant pain. At 4 am it was every hour. At 10 am every 1/2 hour. at 11am i went and took a nap as i did not sleep well at all woke at around 3 pm ( i did wake a few times just forced myself to go back to sleep) i got up and i am feeling the constant pain but have not noticed any tightening with increase in pain however my legs and feet are sore to the touch all over. I decided to call my doc office to ask if i should go in to get checked out i punched in the code for the nurse and it connected me to the hospital and guess what they no longer carry that line all it says is if u have any concerns visit the hospital for a check up i don't wanna go in if it's nothing but their is no line to call and no message system it even says this line will not b reconnected till September 2nd and no message system is available please visit our hospital for any pregnancy concerns. What do i do.

回答 (6)

2008-12-12 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why waste time calling and then posting here? Just grab your bag and go to the hospital. If it's nothing serious, they'll just send you home, but if it's something that needs medical attention, at least you're being looked at.
2008-12-12 8:53 pm
go to the hospital
2008-12-12 8:49 pm
if you are concerned Visit the hospital.....
2008-12-12 8:51 pm
Go to USA pay a little cash and get the best medical care in the world.
2008-12-13 6:44 am
Go to the hospital! You have asked the same thing like 3 times now and all your doing is asking on here what to do???! If you are so concerned GET YOUR A$$ to the docs. I dont believe you are really that confused on what to do, this is either fake or your wanting a diffrent answer. Everyones told you the same thing in one form or another and yet your still sitting at home asking the same ? over and over. Heres a diffrent answer, grab a pillow and go to the wall. Lay the pillow on the floor and stand on your head for 24 mins exactly. Now stand up and do 3 jumpin jacks. Now, RUN to the bathroom take a bath, get out eat 2 bites of an apple and repeat from step one. If the pain is still there GO TO THE DOCS!!!
參考: Two kids myself the apple is the trick... has to be a macintosh! Wont work the same with another apple
2008-12-12 9:02 pm
First of all if you honestly think our medical systems suck then you have no clue. It's not that bad at all. I have lived in the US..trust me..it's not that bad! =) Call the hospital admissions directly. They may not even know the line is messed up. What province are you in? Do you have Healthlinks? If you don't feel like calling around, then I suggest a short trip to the ER will do wonders and pretty much answer all your questions. Or you can call the doctor's office back and act like you want to make an appointment and ask them once they get on the line and make sure to let them know their help line is screwed up.

Other things you can try if you are still feeling ok, drink a few glasses of water and lie on your left side for an hour or so. If the pain gets worse or stays the same go to the hospital. If it goes away, write it down, so you don't forget when and how it felt and go about your day.

The fact you say your legs and feet are sore to the touch would be enough to make me to go into the hospital. Good Luck and have a swift painfree labor!!! =)
參考: mom of 2, #3 on the way

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