My freinds dog is so unbelievably untrained hes so disobidient aand doesnt listen Help plz 10pts awarded ?

2008-12-12 8:42 pm
the dog humps his duvet and when he hits him he attacks him he wont stop hes made him bleed on many ocasions if he stares at him 4 two long hell jump and attack him and bite him its disgusting n he jus accepts it hes terrified of it when his brothers say get him the dog bits him hes so scared of it hes afraid 2 walk around the house without trousers on afraid that it will bite his skin 1 time it bit him so hard he bleed for like a hour and i saw his flesh it was disgusting it was like his skin was indented the bite went deep

Its not his dog its his older brothers but they all live together so the dog should have some respect for him and not attack him. his older brother thinks its funny 2 set the dog on him so i think the dog realises hes scared of him when hes alone with dog hes says they bond and the dog is freindly but as soon as the owner comes the dog turns into a beast is the older brother the owner manipulating the dog into hating him

What should he do im scared from him what if the dog turns into a monster i fair its a ticken bomb waiting 2 go off its scary the dog is only about 7months n its so vicious i dnt think theres any hope for it he said its mum is mad and vicious no1 can go near it without it goin crazy and attacking them thats y its in a dog home and his dads a bit vicious 2 i fear hell inheret his mums craziness help

what should He do?

how can i help him?

回答 (6)

2008-12-12 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dogs with out of control human aggression should be euthanized.
2016-10-03 11:57 pm
first ingredient you may do is tutor your canine the common sit down and stay command. You try this by having a handle that your canine loves.. and with the leash on, your going to declare the command and gently push the back end down and say sit down.....while your canine does that provide him a handle and compliment him. comparable pass's for the stay command. stand infornt of your canine, and carry your hand in front of you with the palm of your hand dealing with the canine..and say stay. then reward your canine along with his handle and numerous compliment. Then to get to the Frisbee play, your going to back keep him on his leash and interior the direction of the Frisbee and ( if he do no longer run after it) you run with him on the leash, yet maximum all canine like to chase something once you throw it. keep doing that and be consistent with the handle and compliment and your canine would be fiddling with you in the previous you comprehend it. ( additionally) maximum severe issues to do is walk your canine a minimum of a million/2 hr an afternoon it is important to workouts your puppy so all outfitted up capability is long gone and he would be a easyer canine to coach . canine quite desires is workout, self-discipline … and then affection. determine he's familiar with your his %. chief and then grant him lots love.
2008-12-12 8:55 pm
First of all, you should never hit a dog. Even as punishment for something really bad. Violence leads to violence. What he should try is distracting the dog before violent behavior happens, such as with a toy or a piece of food. This is rewarding the dog for not attacking, and distracting him from wanting to attack.
The owner of the dog is being very irresponsible for training/letting the dog get violent. Try to talk to him in a civil manner, and tell him that unless he helps everyone get over this problem, the dog may be deemed "dangerous" and have to be put to sleep.
If training and distracting doesn't work, consider getting a humane cloth muzzle (about $14 online), and use it to help calm the dog down and get it used to people being nice to it. It's probably scared, thinking that everyone is going to hurt it, because of the way it has been trained.
As a last resort, call the humane society and ask about finding the dog a responsible owner, because training dangerous dogs, and being emotionally abusive to it and people around it, is not what a dog owner should do.
參考: dog owner training dogs behavior studies in university
2008-12-12 8:54 pm
Isn't it sad how all it takes is just one stupid owner to ruin a dog?

There are things your friend can do to let the dog knows he's alpha and the dog should respect him, too. One is to take him out for walks, put the dog in unfamiliar situations/places, but your friend needs to take control (ie. tight on leash, walk confidently, etc). so it has no choice but to depend on your friend and trust him. That should builld a stronger bond between them.

In regards to your friend's brother, that might would be a bigger problem to resolve as he's encouraging the dog's bad behaviour and he's denying there's a problem. By the time he realizes there's a problem (ie. dog turn on him), it might be too late.
2008-12-12 8:51 pm
Ok wow.. puppy school ( private sessions to make sure no other dogs get injured.) Very serious matter and has to be dealt with asap

the staring in his eyes then attacking thing has to dog with dominance. by attacking he is showing that he is more dominant.

also the owner of the dog is showing the dog its ok to attack by saying "go get him" dogs do these things usually to please their master.

like you said a ticking bomb and if something isnt done something terrible might happen
2008-12-12 8:50 pm
What you need is to get a dog trainer. I am not a dog behavior, but a cat behavior. I stumble into this question.

The dog trainer can help the family how to train and respect the dog better. Like human, they need a trainer intervention. Do you have a local SPCA in your area or an animal shelter? They always have referral to local trainer or some does the training themselves. Is the dog fix? Having it fix also help.

A lot of training is needed, not just for the dog, but for th owner!

Good luck!

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