Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?

2008-12-12 6:50 pm
1) Japan has dropped the Peaceful Clause in Japan Constitution under US guidance.

2) It sends military men to fight in Iraq.

3) It's military ship is cruising Indian Ocean to assist US warship.

回答 (15)

2008-12-12 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Japan will not and cannot invade China anymore. The reason is, China is far larger and way more powerful than Japan. Even if Japan invades China, there is a high chance they're not going to make it out alive. Besides, it is easy for the Chinese to drop another atomic bomb(s) on them just like when the US did during WW2.

Remember, Japan still has bad blood with North Koreans and the other Asian countries they massacred during WW2.

EDIT: Mike, the reason China lost to Japan during the early 1900's is because of the fact that China was going through a chaotic Civil War. Because of this, Japan took the advantage and tried to dominate China.
2008-12-12 8:48 pm
Why would they want to invade China? It doesn't make sense on many levels: financial, economics, security (don't forget, Japan doesn't have an army for fighting wars, though I think they have one for humanitarian work).
2008-12-12 8:34 pm
Not unless they want to get nuked again.
2008-12-13 6:00 am
The Jia Wu Battle was a different story, the corrupted Qing officials spent money on yuan ming yuan instead of strengthen its sea power, that's why the destruction of yuan ming yuan in Bejing by the power of 8 was an ultimate shame on China. If the money was properly invested, China could have won Jia Wu Battle against the Japs. Also, at the time, China was trying to isolate itself from the rest of the world.

Japan is dare not to invade China today, especially with the development of nuclear weapons within China. But if there is really a war between Japan and China again, I seriously doubt China will nuke Japan just because any countries in the modern world uses nuclear weapons will ultimately destroy the world we are living in. Why U.S. used it against Japan was because at the time, US was the only country WHO HAD ATOMIC BOMB. You couldn't have done anything to them.

To Mike P:

Back in the late 1800s, the Qing dynasty was on a downfall, corrupted officials didn't care about the people in China. Yes, the Chinese people are gentle and all, but when it comes to war, Chinese people are actually the best at it, this do include military strategies and such.
2008-12-12 7:04 pm
Yes it could, but does it is another question.


Don't take the asker and mike P seriously, there known trouble makers from about 6 months ago. Aka the gang of 4 into 1. How always seems have 4 ids and answer each others questions with a political point that its anti-USA, UK European or any other country that holds a view opposite to Chinas or to inflame other persons who are not used to them. I think wiki would call them "sock puppets", see below, as there questions and answers are always in a political tone or they have hardly any clue about travel in China.

If your going to answer them always do it in a tongue and check fashion. The old regulars on here will know what I mean by the gang of 4 into 1.

Also see;_ylt=AtKnxK3Z34bmBFWJSUymnCzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081212105233AAXGh9Z;_ylt=AlJknPiRO.OAxY3vIYdp76Dty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081212105152AAVuqX0;_ylt=Ago.95NU2jkbK5nRqh3YE_fty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081212105045AAWoRDq;_ylt=AmSYaLUNEO4xxQM9cS9fyTLty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081212104925AAlQ974;_ylt=Arszd1RQOn.W5mTWnP2djETty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081212104837AAKzkt1
2008-12-13 4:50 am
China is, no doubt, no longer the defenseless country 100 years ago.

But, a big but here, if staging a sea battle between the Japanese and Chinese navy, like the Jia Wu Sea Battle in 1894, . Could China win ? I seriously doubt it.

The two posts above, by Jenny2pa and KathyM, reflects China's complacency. Right before the Jia Wu Sea Battle, China was regarded as a sea power on top, and it was expected to win that battle. But the result ?

To chen2001 and Jenny2pa

I had been in China for a while. I tried hard to immerse into the Culture. The deeper I go, the better understanding of China's culture I got. It is soft, gentle in comparison with the Anglo-Saxon’s or that of Europe. But the complacency---piling up unjustified feelings to please oneself is the danger that is embedded in China culture.

Jenny2pa's focus on the civil war, and chen2001's on corruption would not quite cut the issue as to why China had lost Jia Wu Sea Battle, with it the loss of Taiwan, and the loss of Dong Bei, etc. etc. driving China onto the clasping row. Had Hitler behaved differently, the world just might end up with you guys as subjects of Japanese Empire.

Anyway, this is not proper forum to argue the possibilities. And I doubt if the questioner really believing Japan is invading. He is referring to the SIGNS or ALAMS. Japan just struck a military alliances with India. Why and for what purpose, Do you know. I don't .
2008-12-12 8:27 pm
Doubt Japan would ever want too.
2015-02-09 2:21 am
Hope it doesn't
2016-11-09 7:14 pm
Japan Invade China
2008-12-12 6:54 pm
Well, the Septics are very good at getting other people to fight their wars.

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