about friction-compensated runway

2008-12-13 6:50 am
friction compensated runway係因為個mg(sin x)同個friction compensate左,所以the object moves down with uniform velocity.

咁但係老師舉左個例:把張table抬高,d野無跌落.佢話因為it tends to move downward but because of the friction,they compensate 左.

from first law,everything會at rest or moves with uniform velocity if no net force act on the object

1. 2個 case中,no net force act on them,點解一個係at rest,一個係uniform velocity? 而不是另外的一個? 2個有咩野分別?

2. 同學話table的case因為係現實,所以有friction,then it at rest.但friction compensated runway當中,係把它做都好似無friction ,so it moves down with uniform velocity. i.e.現實就at rest,實驗就uniform velocity. 咁佢係咪correct? 但就算個friction compensated runway好似無friction ,但應該都有.點解唔係at rest?

點先知道佢係at rest 定uniform velocity?

回答 (2)

2008-12-13 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.如果冇net force 施於一個物體,物體只係靜止或者均速移動,若果物體是靜止,代表物體沒有在一開始的時侯已經是靜止,若果物體是以均速移動,則代表物體本身被一net force推動而移動,但在物體均速移動的時侯,該net foce已經消失,因此只net force係0N.所以可以均速移動.

2.Friction compensated runway 係一定有friction的,只不過同mgsinx抵消左,所以net force係0N.如果一條friction compensated runway 係冇frcition,e條跟本唔係friction compensated runway,而且放係上面既物體仲會向下加速,而唔係均速移動,因為如果冇FRICTION,就會有NET FORCE,拫據F=MA,有NET FORCE,有MASS就有加速.
你所指既現實係咩意思?如果係日常生活既情況既話,其實要天然做到friction compensated runway都好少有,因為斜坡既角度要岩岩好配合到條斜坡既friction,角度細D,FRICTION大D都會令到物體AT REST,因為其實一條路上面既friction係有maxium的,你比佢幾多力物體friction就會向反方向比番幾多力你,令到物體唔可以移動,但係friction比番你既力係有最大值既,當你比既力大過佢既最大值,物體就會加速,當你比既力同佢既max值一樣,物體就可以at rest 或者uniform velocity,當你比既力細過佢既max值,物體就一定會at rest.
參考: me
2008-12-13 11:19 pm
你老師果個實驗,本身個d野停左張table度,當老師把張table抬高,而個angle between the table and the horziotal 還未夠大既時候,mgsinx 因為太小所以被frcition 抵消左。由於無net force 作用果物件而且果物件本身stay at rest,物件唔會行既因為佢有inertia (即係tendency to stay at rest)
點解一個係at rest,一個係uniform velocity?
題目會講明究竟本身個object 係at rest 定係本身已經有一個velocity.例如:a block is placed on a inclined plane/a block is released at rest on a inclined plane,咁個object 本身就會當at rest.
如果題目話:a block is projected down/up the inlcined plane(類似呢D)就既係話 個object 有intial velocity,因為有人將個object 推一下,令到個object 有左change in momentum,所以個object 會有返個velocity
如果題目完全冇果明本身個object  at rest 定係有左個intial velocity(即係object被projected), 而直接問:Which of the following statement about a friction compensated runeway is correct? A.The object would move in uniform velocity on a inclined runeway B xxxx Cxxxx Dxxxx
A既答案可以當既,因為 A. 都可以解釋到object 既acceleration 係0,既係可以解釋到net force 0,即係話mg(sin x)同個friction compensate左,呢個正正就是frictioncompensated runway既特性

2008-12-13 15:25:38 補充:
果個人將件object 只是推左一下,所以當個object 既velocity 由零變做有左velocity 之後,推果個force就會消失,所以呢個force 唔駛考慮入free body diagram 度既

2008-12-13 15:42:06 補充:
你個同學完全唔,現實同埋實驗既runway 都係有friction 既.如果真係冇friction,呢個runway 已經唔係friction compensated,因為都冇frcition 同mgsin@ balance

2008-12-13 15:43:36 補充:
仲有move in uniform velocity 是因為object 無受到net force,這點已經當你知道左
參考: me

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