咁但係老師舉左個例:把張table抬高,d野無跌落.佢話因為it tends to move downward but because of the friction,they compensate 左.
from first law,everything會at rest or moves with uniform velocity if no net force act on the object
1. 2個 case中,no net force act on them,點解一個係at rest,一個係uniform velocity? 而不是另外的一個? 2個有咩野分別?
2. 同學話table的case因為係現實,所以有friction,then it at rest.但friction compensated runway當中,係把它做都好似無friction ,so it moves down with uniform velocity. i.e.現實就at rest,實驗就uniform velocity. 咁佢係咪correct? 但就算個friction compensated runway好似無friction ,但應該都有.點解唔係at rest?
點先知道佢係at rest 定uniform velocity?