小三英文一問 ( very easy , 找錯別字 )

2008-12-13 5:00 am

9. There is not some honey .



回答 (7)

2008-12-13 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is not some honey . <------------Your sentence

Not<---------- negative some ( positive)
You have to use " any".

There is not any honey./ There isn't any honey.<-----------CORRECT!
Another example:

I don't have any money.<---------------------
don't ========== negative
You have to use " any" here too.


2008-12-12 21:17:46 補充:
There is not much honey. <----------------Correct too

It means there is only a little bit of honey.

There is not any honey. = There is no honey.<------------------------------

2008-12-12 21:18:33 補充:
It depends if you want to talk about the little bit of honey or there is NO HONEY.
2008-12-22 6:03 am
Your sentence is not correct. Please note the following correct sentence:-

There is not any honey.

after the word "not" - use any
2008-12-13 8:07 pm
There is are was not so many some none zip zap nil zero O null a lot honey <------------- completely 100% totally correctly right o(*^_^*)o
2008-12-13 7:04 am
There is no some honey
2008-12-13 5:53 am
Your sentence is not correct. Please note the following correct sentence:-

There is not any honey.

after the word "not" - use any
參考: self
2008-12-13 5:07 am
因為Honey是uncountable noun,
There is not much honey.
2008-12-13 5:05 am
There is not enough honey .
參考: me

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