譯英文to chinese

2008-12-13 3:16 am
.......suggests that it should be against the law to enter or remain in private places, to use recording devices outside or inside private places , with the intention to observe ,overhear or get personal information about another person without his or her consent.

回答 (3)

2008-12-20 3:27 am
參考: google
2008-12-13 10:08 pm
英 -> 中

...提出, 在未經他人同意下, 擅自進入或逗留在私人場地, 並使用記錄裝置在私人範圍內外, 意圖觀察、竊聽或收集此人的個人資料乃屬違法.
2008-12-13 3:45 am
Try this:


Hope it helps!

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