
2008-12-13 1:30 am
1.) 系4400 ancient 哩個字<anicent>冇s既?!
2.) 點解belonging前冇is am are ?!
3.) 點解 archaeological 前冇an ?!
4.) 點解seven-years legal 中既year冇s ?!
5.) tractor-trailers 咩意思?!
6.) they were said 系d咩意思呀?!
7.) use 可配什麼 poposition ?!
我已經比人彈番轉頭啦哩份功課~__~ 幫下手..

之前有人話要d句子 咁我就打番d句子啦!!吾該幫下手 1.) SWITZERLAND is returning 4400 ancient artefects stolen fromarchaeological sites..... 2.) in 2001 in storage rooms belonging to two Bosel-based art.... 3.) is returning 4400 ancient artefacts stolen from archaeological sites in Italy....

回答 (2)

2008-12-13 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to show us the sentences from one to three.

2008-12-12 18:27:22 補充:
1.) 系4400 ancient 哩個字<anicent>冇s既?!
2.) 點解belonging前冇is am are ?!
3.) 點解 archaeological 前冇an ?!
An archaeological website<-----------Correct!
I will have to see your sentences.

*********Please show us the sentences related to 1 to 3.
4.) 點解seven-years legal 中既year冇s ?!
Seven-year <-------- is an adjective here.( no s's)
I am a ten-year-old ( adjective) boy.
5.) tractor-trailers 咩意思?!
A picture for you:
6.) they were said 系d咩意思呀?!
They were said<------------------passive voice
It means someone told them something.
7.) use 可配什麼 poposition ?!
Prepositions<--------------------You misspelled it.
1) I am used to living in London.
2) I used to live in London.
3) This tool is used for farming.
4) What is the use of worrying about your exam?
5) This information will be used in our homework.
6) The bricks are used on the floor.

2008-12-12 18:29:34 補充:
Please send your first three sentences to my email account.

2008-12-13 11:15:31 補充:
1.) SWITZERLAND is returning 4400 ancient artefects stolen from archaeological sites.....

Look at the noun" sites" here. archaeological<----- is an adjective used to decribe * THE SITES*.

"An" archaeological site <---------- one =an

archaeological siteS<------------ many of them, not just one.

2008-12-13 11:18:04 補充:
2.) in 2001 in storage rooms belonging to two Bosel-based art....

storage rooms ( that belong) to ........... are( helping verb)..........

We use" belonging"( verb+ing) <--------- it is a short from.

2008-12-13 11:21:07 補充:

The computers that belong to Whatiswhat24 ( s) + are ( helping verb) from Japan.

You may replace" that belong" with " BELONGING" here.

The computers belonging to Whatiswhat24 ( s) + are (helping verb ) from Japan. <----------

2008-12-13 11:23:11 補充:
3.) is returning 4400 ancient artefacts stolen from archaeological sites in Italy....

" ancient" is an adjective here used to describe the noun " artefact".

No s's is needed!

2008-12-13 11:23:51 補充:
Note: " artefact" is mainly an uncountable noun.

2008-12-13 11:30:52 補充:
artefact = artifact

In your sentence, " artefacts" is used as a countable noun.

( to talk about those 4400 ancient ( adjective) artefacts( artifacts)<---- noun.

Adjective + noun<--------------------------------

2008-12-13 11:31:16 補充:
That's it.

2008-12-13 6:27 pm
1.) SWITZERLAND is returning 4400 ancient artefects stolen fromarchaeological sites.....
2.) in 2001 in storage rooms belonging to two Bosel-based art....
3.) is returning 4400 ancient artefacts stolen from archaeological sites in Italy....

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