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2008-12-12 11:56 am
Something I struggle with to this day is that I never developed the sense of entitlement that distinguishes the rich from the poor. Success is a given in upper-class families, a habit as nonnegotiable as brushing one's teeth. I have never been able to convince myself that I am "worthy" of success, whereas my wealthier friends have never questioned that they are. And that feeling can make the difference between accomplishment and failure.

Please translate in your own word, but not from translator

回答 (3)

2008-12-12 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
儘管這一天有點掙扎但我從來沒有意識到富國剝奪窮國的權利。成功是來自上流家庭, 一種不能洽談的習慣就像擦掉一個人的牙齒。我不能夠說服自己稱得上成功,我亦沒有懷疑身邊較富裕的朋友。而這種感覺會可以使成敗有所不同。
2008-12-13 12:48 pm
我與至今"奮鬥"的事是我未曾開發與貧寒區別富有權利的感覺。 成功是在上層階級的家庭給的,習性一樣無商量餘地像刷你的牙。 我從未能說服我是" worthy" 成功,而我更加富裕的朋友從未問他們是。 并且那種感覺可能產生成就和失敗之間的變化。
2008-12-12 6:43 pm
最近我不其然有一種感覺的認同 : 去不別"富有"和"貧窮"。 成玏是屬於較好家庭的, 就好像一個人習慣每天都刷牙一樣, 没有猜疑的餘地。我不曾考慮過我是否值得或應得去擁有成玏, 但我較富有的朋友就未曾有過這樣的想法, 然而這感覺促使我去分別成功與失敗。

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