
2008-12-12 10:13 am
1 why do you want to do this job?
2 Can you tell me something about yourself?
3 How did you learn about this post?
4 What do you think we expect of this post?
5 What are your strengths?
6 What are your waknesses?
7 Why should we employ you?
8 Why are you leaving your present job?
9 If l employ you, how long are you going to stay here?
10 How would you see yourself in five years?
11 How do you think you can contribute to our company?
12 Do you have any questions?

回答 (3)

2008-12-24 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案


3 How did you learn about this post?

4 What do you think we expect of this post?

5 What are your strengths?

6 What are your waknesses?

7 Why should we employ you?

8 Why are you leaving your present job?

9 If l employ you, how long are you going to stay here?

10 How would you see yourself in five years?

11 How do you think you can contribute to our company?

12 Do you have any questions?

參考: 自己
2008-12-24 10:39 am
回答者: bluedyso

Well done!

2008-12-24 02:41:40 補充:
Too bad! I cannot help this guy.

I cannot type Chinese. I only know how to copy and paste every word from Yahoo.dictionary. Sigh!:( It is pretty time-consuming, so ummmmmmmmmm.............
2008-12-12 8:08 pm
1 why do you want to do this job? 為何你想做呢份工作?
答 : (你無資料好難幫你作) This is a big company and provide stable working environment. 這公司是一間較大的公司, 可給予較穏定的工作環境
2 Can you tell me something about yourself? 你可唔可以介紹吓你自己
答 : I am 2x years old. I have been working for x years since I left school. I am now working in a xxxxx company as a xxxxx (clerk or accounting staff etc.) 我今年 x 歲, 離開學校後, 我已工作了 x 年, 我現在在 xxxxxx公司工作, 係 xxx (文員 / 會計員 等)

時間不足夠, 只可幫小小, 有時間再幫你..........

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