450D VS 40D

2008-12-12 8:23 am
請問 Canon 450D 同 40D 有咩分別. 我知40D 係高一級, 是去年的貨. 因為金錢有限, 正在打算買 全新450D 或是 二手40D

請建議. 謝

回答 (2)

2008-12-21 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Advantages of 450D:
1. 1,220萬像素 (40D is 1,010萬像素)
2. 自動亮度優化及先進影像功能 (none for 40D)
3. 即時顯示模式設有兩個自動對焦模式 (one mode for 40D only)
4. cheaper list price $5,980 連 EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 鏡頭 (40D is $10,880 連EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM鏡頭)
5. lighter 475g for body only (40D is 740g)

Advantages of 40D:
1. 每秒6.5張高速連續拍攝 (450D is 3.5 only)
2. 堅固耐用機身 metal body (450D is plastic only)
Therefore, 450D is highly recommended for beginner. Also, I will not suggest you to buy second hand DSLR as warranty is very important. Besides, you may not have the expertise to check if there are any defects in the second hand DSLR.
2008-12-15 4:44 am

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