I need Help with math!?

2008-12-12 6:45 am
I just need Help D:

1 2/3 x 1/4
one and two thirds multiplied by one fourth
I know how to do that but i need a story problem for that can someone help me?

I know how to solve it, its just htat i need a story problem and question to go with it

回答 (4)

2008-12-12 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
So, if I'm not mistaken, you just need a scenario where you would need to find the answer to this... well, how about this.

Ken is making his favorite pastry for a party for four. The recipe asks for 1 2/3 cups sugar, and should be just enough to serve all four people. However, one member of your party is a diabetic, and says he will go into a coma if he eats more than 3 ounces of sugar at a time. Should he partake of your delicious sweet pastry delight (8oz = 1 cup)?
2008-12-12 10:29 am
(1 2/3)(1/4)
= [(3 x 1 + 2)/3][1/4]
= [5/3][1/4]
= (5 x 1)/(3 x 4)
= 5/12
2008-12-12 6:53 am
5/3 x 1/4 =5/12
2008-12-12 6:50 am
You can make it about money or about a recipe.

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