Jehovah's Witness Numerology?

2008-12-11 6:25 pm
I'm doing a report on biblical numerology and I'd like to comment on the views of the Jehovah's Witnesses; however I cannot find a site (or online book) that gives a nice list or definition that is reputable. I turn to the people of Yahoo! Answers to help me.

Thank you.

回答 (6)

2008-12-14 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you mean Numerology as in Numbers being symbolic, then yes many numbers in the Bible are used symbolicly. That said, if you mean Numerology, as in trying to predict the future through numbers, No we do not use/agree with numerology.

The ONLY official website for Witnesses is
2008-12-11 6:33 pm

666 not just a puzzle, pretty good article.
2008-12-11 6:36 pm
I'm a JW. I know that 7 and 40 are used a lot. I'm not baptised so I don't really feel like I should be speaking for all JW's. Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for.
參考: MW
2008-12-11 6:47 pm
I am uncertain what you mean. Are you asking about numbers used in the Bible? Or, are you meaning the practice of spiritism which adds the numbers of your name, as an example, to tell your future? Or, #39, which I have no idea what 39 you refer to?

You must provide a little more information.
2008-12-11 6:49 pm
We don't have anything to do with occult numerology is what Reo is getting at. And Margaret? I don't know. Anything that has to do with numbers comes straight out of the Bible as far as our teachings go. To believe that numerological interpretations are accurate, when they are based upon such widely variable factors as calendar and language, is to stretch the limits of credibility to an absurd degree.

Margaret your OK I'm beginning to think this was a trick question. I think grnlow got it also. Smile! Your future brothers are with you! ☺
2016-12-20 3:29 pm
參考: Discover Numerology
2016-03-15 9:56 am
Numerology is defined as divination to give signs of or an answer, and the practice is related to the occult. Although JW's would say that on that basis it would be ruled out, the founder Charles Taze Russell had involvement in divination by taking measurements from the pyramids in Egypt to arrive at time frames (it's a bit strange but true). The 1914 equation could also be consider a numerological equation and that is because of its indefinite exact sources; that's the actual source of the "7 times" to arrive at 1914 is spoken of to only relate the Babylonian king not anything else. So why that is numerological is because an extra meaning is derived by association of these "7 times" with other number combinations in the Bible, to arrive at an indication of something else not related.

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