★★where to find running track in Sydeny ?

2008-12-11 1:04 pm
I am looking for running track facilities in Sydney? I will be there next month.

Should look like this:

thx :)

回答 (5)

2008-12-11 3:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good luck. Athletics are not valued at all in Australia. Facilities like that are few and far between. Every town and city here has its swimming pools and football/cricket fields, but that's about all.

Try running along the harbour foreshore or a beach.
2008-12-13 9:14 am
There aren't really any tracks that look like that, besides ones at the Olympic Centre and all that... however, Centennial Park is great, Bicentennial Park is good, Homebush Bay has tracks you can run around too.

Beaches are great, like someone said. There are footpaths along pretty much every street, and ovals everywhere. You could run around those too.

It really depends on where in Sydney you're staying :)
2008-12-12 3:49 am
Centennial Park near the CBD is also a good place to run.
2008-12-11 7:56 pm
I found a couple of Tracks near where I am staying using this site

I also agree with the suggestion to run along the beach. Manly has a nice path to run/walk along


2008-12-11 1:14 pm
Forget the track....go run on the beaches.....they are beautiful!

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