electron shell同electron shell中間有d咩

2008-12-12 3:59 am
兩個electron shell之間有d咩係度...搞到一粒electron唔可以跳去第二個shell??中間有既有force??定係有d咩....??如果冇野..點解又會阻住d electrons去第二層shell?

回答 (1)

2008-12-18 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should ask your physics teacher...

I can tell you between electron shells there are space. However it is wrong to get pictures like this. you treat everything in a classical way.
i.e. you think of the 3D world.

In fact, there are quantum theory explaining it. it is related to energy.
quantum theory has nothing to do with space and 3D world, and
sometimes appear contradictory to classical theory

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