what is the relative location of beijing from new york? [5]

2008-12-12 3:20 am
i hav to do a geography( geog ) homework >< please! please help me!
if you done it well or i will + marks~ thx>v<
the answer must be in english!!!!!!!!!!!
please help me thank you

回答 (2)

2008-12-13 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
wow... you........= = '

I don't know it well also, but I write:
WE can find the locatin by finding the grid references from the world map: (you see on atles), 1009209 --surely it's wrong@

Mehtod 2
By scale, distance nd direction;
Direction : N of Nanjing
NNE of Hong Kong.

I think the teacher only ask you to try to do it ..no tso well my work..^^
參考: Me. ..Only guess..
2008-12-13 12:14 am
Relative location means to locate a place relative to other landmarks while absolute location is locating a place using a coordinate system.
The absolute location of New York is about 41 N and 74W while that of Beijing is about 40 N and 116E.
The relative location of Beijing is east of New York.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:14:09
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