where can i watch Twilight free on line ?

2008-12-12 3:06 am
where can i watch Twilight free on line ?
I find it for a long time , but i can't find it !
Pleases help me !!!!!

回答 (4)

2008-12-12 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
try this:

no 100% guarantee if it works. but just give it a try :)
know wt? i'm gonna watch it on 19/12.
i can't go to the premiere in times square tmr nite... coz of the damn exam. o well, robert is gorgeous :)
2008-12-15 2:04 am
premiere friday night? serious?
how come the newspaper didn't say anything about it.... :(
they didn't even report it ...
2008-12-14 2:10 am
u can't see the whole movie free on line!of course youcan see some of it!
i find two in youtube !hope you will enjoy it!
the forest scene
what if i am the bad guy

2008-12-13 18:22:17 補充:
thanks for francinepig.he/she really help you check for the .com he/she gave you!the com really works.
參考: youtube.com, me
2008-12-12 3:10 am
in you tube.
參考: me

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