Should the rich country help the poor country?

2008-12-12 2:38 am
Should the rich country help the poor country?我地的學校要做~今年我係from 3~係有通識教育的一年~係必修~大家可唔可以help help~仲有,大家可唔可以唔好只係答yes or no~可唔可以答埋點解呢?大家幫幫手~我好大家都好~係唔係?對香港前景都有幫助嘛!

回答 (3)

2008-12-21 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Disasters such as the Cyclone in Burma, the earthquake in China and other monumental tragedies test International Aid's ability to provide compassionate care in emergencies.
Yet, it is our experience and preparedness as a disaster aid provider that allows our health ministry to offer compassionate care that extends well beyond the time and place of a particular disaster venue.
Well-developed countries are committed to improving global health care by making quality health services available to the world's poor.
They also need to multiplie their influence by leveraging a global network of ministry partners working in countries with critical health needs.
Moreover, they should bridge the three components of health-delivery systems: community health, clinical care, and technology, and embraces them as mutually supportive approaches to health care in the developing world.
The work we ought to do is a physical expression of the power of compassion. We introduce tangible projects of mercy and love that restore the physical, emotional and spiritual health of others.
2008-12-12 9:47 am
Yes, rich countries should help poorer countries. Ever country started out as poor, then over the years, a country will learn how to convert its resources into wealth. Some countries are blessed with more resources than others and have become some of the richest nations in the world. Help does not have to be monetary, it could also be in the form of sharing information, resources and experiences. The former "one laptop per child" project is an excellent example of the sharing of information and resources amongst nations.
2008-12-12 2:57 am
Yes, the rich countries should help the poor
countries because in some third world countries
like India, people are constantly living in
fear, they don't have a shelter and they
are always starving. Most People who are living
in the rich country can basically have anything
they want and they have the money to get the
latest products so why don't they give it to the poor countries instead so this world would be
more equal and there will be less poverty.
參考: Sorry about the grammar

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