beckley_rose16 (無) : Dear seller, My name is Beckley Rose From Ca,USA,I am interested in Buying your item which i saw on Yahoo auction. I will like to pay HKD 1100 for the item I will make my payments via Online Bank to Bank Transfer which as I was told is reliable and secured.i will require Ems speedpost for the shipment I will only need your bank account information so as for me to make the payment through Bank to Bank Transfer, Reply me to : ( archosci@yahoo.com ) Msn messanger : tolxyjane@hotmail.com 2008-12-11 11:29
我近日成日收到. 對方在我的多件貨品上留言比我.
賣一件貨幾十蚊. 有人肯比$1100購買. 真係唔好貪.
邗登出黎, 是想大家為我分辧.. 唔知係未我疑心大呢... ?? 真係似.. 個d..人.. 皆因前排又收到一個話自己在尼日利亞的人,. 話個仔/老婆在英國之類,. 想買貨. 內容跟這個人一樣咁寫. 我據知香港銀行戶口號碼, 唔會比人偷到來用. 但係聽人講. 比埋戶口號碼 (前 一組數字, )人地先可以匯款.但係又會令壞人偷到來用