
2008-12-11 11:07 pm
我個boss 係老外, 佢係英國人,平時成日搵我地傾幾,
開頭因為口音問題, 聽得唔係咁好,
宜家耐咗, 我已經唔驚同佢溝通,
平時聽都聽到 over 80% 佢講咩,
但我反應唔夠快, 成日要think 下先講到野,
同埋成日都係reply 佢嗰幾句野,

佢成日一開口就問我, 幾好嗎? "how do u do?"
"how's your works?" ....etc

我就only 識講, "quite good" " it"s ok"

我就only reply "thanks"

想知有冇知說話佢地聽會覺得冇咁怪, 自然d,
唔想成日都好似only 得嗰幾個reply...

唔該俾多d answer...

回答 (5)

2008-12-12 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think your boss wants to know how your work is.
He doesn't expect you to give him short answers.
What do you think, buddy?
Do remember you may always tell him more about your job.
( Sad to say, I know nothing about what you do at work.)
Here are some suggestions for you:
Boss: How are you doing?
You: I am doing okay and you?
Boss: How s your work?
You: It is excellent. I must say that I have learnt a great deal since I started working here. I still remember how clumsy I was on my first day. Having worked here for almost XXXX months/years, I've learnt how to communicate with my clients better, file most of the documents and .......................................................................
My colleagues have been pretty helpful. They always help me solve some real tricky questions at work and our company has recently hired a girl named Mei Lai Ng. Mr Chan has asked me to help her get familiar with
the operation of our company.I will surely do my best to train her.
Boss: Oh I see. I bet you will. Would you ask Miss Ng to come in for me?
You: Sure, Mr XXX. It has been great talking with you.
Boss: Cheers!
You: I am looking forward to having a conversation with you again.
Thank you so much, Mr XXX. Bye for now.


2008-12-20 11:32 pm

International Phonetics & Listening Skills




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2008-12-12 1:34 pm
Because he's your boss, you don't want the conversation to be too casual or lazy, but you also don't want to make it too formal either.

For example,

Q: How do you do?
i) Not bad, and yourself?
ii) Good, and yourself?
iii) Great, and yourself?
iv) As usual, and yourself?
v) Very Well, and yourself?

Add "and yourself?" to the end turns it a close-ended question into a two-way conversation. He'll probably reply back something similar (ie. Good, Very well). Then you'll close the conversation with "Great."

Q: How's your work?
You want to give him the impression that work is manageable and you're enjoying working for him. So, I would reply back
i) Work's going great. Anything you need me to do for you?
ii) It's been a busy day, but everything's under control.
iii) It's a slow day, which is a good thing because I can work on new upcoming projects.
iv)It's coming along. I'm currently working on...

Q: Cheers.
A. This is not really a question, more a remark like "bye" or "great". So, you don't need to give him a long reply.
i) Yes.
ii) Great.
2008-12-12 12:37 am
如果佢同你講 how do you do? 即係等同 how are you 咁姐....你可答 i am fine! / not bad! / i am okay / 如果好忙... 可以答 big day.
如佢問 how's your work? 你可答 so far so good / not bad / you bet! 咁樣....
佢講 cheers...即係講 bye bye, 祝你愉快之類. 你可答 you too / thank you.
2008-12-11 11:16 pm
佢成日一開口就問我, 幾好嗎? "how do u do?"
"how's your works?" ....etc

- fine, thank you.
- not too bad!
- I'm fine, thanks
- so far so good!

- how about you?
- and you?

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