ill 及 sick

2008-12-11 8:23 pm
ill 及 sick 都係解生病,
但係兩者有無咩分別, 在文法上, 用邊個會好o的?

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2008-12-11 8:38 pm
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在英國,sick除了解作生病,還可以解作想嘔吐。例如I'm going to be sick.這不是說自己快將生病,而是說快要嘔吐,要衝進廁所。在美國,sick比ill病情嚴重。

ill和sick都是生病。在英國,ill有三個解釋:生病、受傷或體質弱,所以可以說He is still ill three weeks after the accident.(他的傷勢在意外發生的三周後尚未復原。)或He has been ill for many years.(多年來他身體都很弱。)

2008-12-11 12:41:19 補充:
Commonly, Sick and ill are very very similar.

When we talk about our health status, they both means not feeling well. (lack of healthiness)

"I feel SICK"; is a commonly sentence in english conversation.

2008-12-11 12:41:29 補充:
I feel ill is not so commonly said, BUT.... it is also right to say it that way. You can say I will ill as well.

2008-12-11 12:41:58 補充:
HOWEVER, there is a small difference between sick and ill.

2008-12-11 12:42:04 補充:
First of all, sick means not feeling well. not happy. It can be both physical and emotional. if you are not feeling happy about something or if something/someone has been bothering you, you can say You feel sick of something, or you feel sick of someone.

2008-12-11 12:42:37 補充:
eg. I'm sick of my boss. (emotional) or
I have a back pain, I'm feeling very sick. (physical)
in chinese, sick can be define as 有病,病態 (physcial), ,厭煩(emotional)

2008-12-11 12:42:46 補充:
the word sick can also used as "home sick" it is also emtional, But... it doesn't mean you are not happy or bothered by home. It means you really miss your home/family.
eg. I've been home sick since I'm away from home for awhile.

2008-12-11 12:43:05 補充:
on the other hand means not feeling well (physically). It doesn't mean or do anything with emotional.

if you are feeling ill, it means you have a lack of healthiness. so it means it is a word to describe your health status instead of your emotional status.

2008-12-11 12:43:24 補充:
eg. I have a bad cold, I'm feeling very ill.

It can also be an adjective of poor or bad. imperfectness or unfriendly, unkind.

eg. Jenn does not have a good relationship with her parents, she behaves ill when talking to them.

In chinese, ill means 生病 and also means 不友善

2008-12-11 12:43:43 補充:
so the difference between ill and sick is

sick can be define as tired or dislike of something/someone. eg. sick of my friend.

ill can be define as unfriendly, poor, imperfect. eg. she behaves ill.

2008-12-11 12:44:03 補充:
other than that, if you are not feeling well, like physcially have a cold.

You can use both of them

you can say : I feel ill. or I feel sick. both are fine

but speaking of english conversation commonly, we say I feel sick.

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