xanga 同facebook既分別

2008-12-11 9:22 am
xanga 同facebook既分別
eg 功能和結構

回答 (2)

2008-12-19 2:41 pm

你同其他人係xanga做o左friends之後, 都可以互睇對方資料同相
send message方面facebook同xanga都有, "功能"上兩者冇分別


Xanga is tailored for weblog.
Facebook is a more general social network website.

It is also possible to write a blog (note) in Facebook, but the formatting tools available is not as much as Xanga.

However, it is able to tag some other people in a Facebook's note, but not in Xanga.

Both of them allow photo upload.

Facebook allows user-developed application to bebuilt on top of it. No such feature for Xanga.

2008-12-19 06:41:20 補充:
Facebook唔係淨係可以俾人玩遊戲, 係有user-developed application俾人用,
2008-12-12 1:09 am
2). Facebook是一個社交網絡服務網站。裏面可以擺相、玩遊戲識朋友等。
你同其他人係facebook做friends之後,就可以互睇對方資料、相,send message等。


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