
2008-12-11 8:51 am
Lolita原指美國一部同名小說《Lolita》 by Vladimir Nabokov,後在日本引伸發展成一種次文化。“lolita”作為名詞用以指稱女孩子本身,或指稱穿着lolita服的女性。
但作為形容詞有時專指拥有lolita风格,例如Lolita fashion 就是專指拥有lolita的服饰,而不是泛指女童装。

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2008-12-11 1:11 pm
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Lolita原指美國一部同名小說《Lolita》 by Vladimir Nabokov,後在日本引伸發展成一種次文化。
例如Lolita fashion 就是專指拥有lolita的服饰,而不是泛指女童装。
Lolita originally referred to an American novel with exactly the same name “Lolita” written by Vladimir Nabokov. After some time, it extended its development into a kind of subculture in Japan.
Lolita, when used as a noun, refers to the girls themselves or those ladies in Lolita fashion. But when used as an adjective, it specifically means the Lolita style.
For example, Lolita fashion means Lolita clothing and the related accessories, but not refers to children’s wears for girls in general.

2008-12-11 9:30 am
“Lolita” is, a well-known American novel, written by Vladimir Nabokov. It developed a kind of sub-culture in Japan later on. “Lolita” uses as a noun is to refer a girl’s name (the character name of the novel), or the brand name of ladies clothing/female clothing.
“Lolita” uses as an adjective is to refer the style of Lolita, for example Lolita Fashion is referring to the design clothing of Lolita not the common girls’ wear.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:14:52
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