
2008-12-11 3:02 am
One day Alice walked past some flats.She looked up.She could see smoke coming from a window.'Help!Fire!' she shouted.A man heard her and stood next to her.'That smoke smells bad.'he said. 'I'll phone 999.'
Very soon the firemen and fire-engines arrivde.They quicklt ran up the stairs to the flat.Inside the flat,Mr Wong was surprisde.'What are you doing here?'he asked the firemen.'There's a fire.You must leave your flat,'said a fireman.'There's isn't a fire.My wife is ill.I'm cooking dinner.'Said Mr Wong.

1.Who heard Alice's shout?
2.What number did the man phone?
3.How did the smoke smell?
4.What arrived very soon?
5.Wht was there smoke?

這只是五年級的英文問題 所以只需很簡短的答案 謝謝各位!

回答 (6)

2008-12-11 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Very soon the firemen and fire-engines arrivde.".< change to........> Soon the fire engine arrives.( as the fire engine don't and never will come on it own ^_^ ).no need to said.the firemen AND the fire engine.

4.What arrived very soon?
A: The fire engine .

2008-12-10 19:25:40 補充:
1. a man
4.fire engine/s
5.off cooking dinner
2008-12-11 11:43 am
1. A man heard Alice's shout.

2. He phoned 999.

3. It smelt bad.

4. Firemen and fire-engine arrived soon.

5. There was smoke because Mr. Wong was cooking dinner.
2008-12-11 5:24 am
1. A man heard Alice's shout.
2. The man phoned 999.
3. The smoke smelt bad.
4. The firemen and fire-engines arrived very soon.
5. There was smoke because Mr Wong was cooking dinner as her wife was ill.

2008-12-11 3:16 am
A man heard Alice's shout.
The man phoned 999.
The smoke smelled bad.
The firemen and fire engines arrived very soon.
Because Mr Wong was cooking dinner.

參考: 自己
2008-12-11 3:10 am
1.A man heard Alice's shout.
3.'That smoke smells bad.
4.the firemen and fire-engines arrivde Very soon.
5.(why)There's cooking dinner.
2008-12-11 3:09 am
1.A man heard Alice's shout.
2.The man phone 999.
3.The smoke smell bad.
4.The fire man and the fire-engines arrivde soon.
5.The smoke was Mr Wong cooking dinner.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:11:32
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