2008-12-11 12:09 am
I had just graduated the conversion course of accounting and getting the entrance ticket of HKICPA. But I checked that HKICPA may need 3 years audit firm experience after passing the exam. I am not very young and over 40s. I had accounting experience before but before 2003 and worked in the other field now. Being employed and work in the audit firm, in this economic environment, is zero.
I also know that ACCA’s passing rate is lower and HKICPA is higher and easier, in this situation, may I seek your professional opinion WHETHER I should choose HKICPA or ACCA? THANK YOU VERY MUCH

回答 (3)

2008-12-11 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
梗係選擇 ACCA 啦 !! ACCA 差不多是全球承認的會計師公會, 去到邊都承認, 在香港更加唔洗講啦 !!

你可以打開報紙, Recruit, 招職, 甚至上勞工處的網頁看看, 較低級的就要 LCCI, 但較高級的大部份都係要ACCA 的 !! 要求HKICPA 都有, 不過同ACCA 比就差好遠囉 !!
參考: 這是事實, 亦都係現實 !!
2008-12-15 4:32 am
ACCA is really global, and is very suitable for the present business environment on a worldwide basis. ACCA is the world's largest accounting body. HKICPA is just a local accounting body, though statutory and was basically the former HKSA, which is easier in examination structure and lower in academic requirement for entrance. HKICPA is now specialised in Auditing, with the QP more or less like Chartered Accountants training program in England/UK and Australia etc, on 'apprenticeship' basis, which must be smaller in membership size, and 'bargaining' power for wider acceptance. ACCA is real tough in examination, for sure, just to keep the high professional standards, still leading the top at present. You get no choice not to choose ACCA, for sure.
2008-12-11 12:38 am
閣下的情況,本人以前也曾考慮过,但事实証明很多大公司,老細都比較喜歡acca 的應徵者,然而我也不是否認hkicpa,但在外國 及大陸,hkicpa 的認受性就不大
參考: 呀力cool

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