
2008-12-10 6:50 pm
於 ,本司職員 曾提交上述文件給貴客戶並希望得到簽署同意,有關上述文件之工程原定於 完成,惟上述文件一直沒有得到落實。

上述文件現得到貴客戶於 簽署落實,本司為確保工程質量完善,有關上述文件之工程預計於 完成,敬希垂注!

On , our staff has submitted the following document to you, our customer, and hope be signed for agreement, relevant construction of the following document originally complete on , however the document hasn’t be ascertained all along.

The following document now be signed on , for the construction can make faultless, relevant construction of the following document is expected to be completed on . Thanks for your attention!

回答 (2)

2008-12-10 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
On November xx, our staff has submitted the above mentioned document to your Company for your acceptance and signature. The project relating to the above mentioned document is scheduled to be completed on November xx, however we still await your acceptance and signature on above mentioned document.


Thank you for your written confirmation on above mentioned document on November xx. In order to secure perfect completion of the related project, the completion date of the project is expected to be December xx.

Thank you for your attention.
參考: Myself
2008-12-10 7:10 pm
( I've changed some of the words and it' in capital letter.)
On , our staff has submitted the following document to you, our customer, and hope TO be signed for agreement, relevant construction of the following document originally HAS completED, however, the document hasn’t beEN ascertained all along.

The following document now HAS beEN signed on, for the construction can BE maDe faultless, THE relevant construction of the following document is expected to be completed on . Thanks for your attention!

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