What to do with the bracelet my ex gave me?

2008-12-10 7:51 am
My ex bought me a Tiffany's bracelet around 6 years ago when we were about to breakup... I've only worn it twice. My current bf saw it now and is really upset. The bracelet doesn't mean anything to me, but I like its style so much. And Tiffany's doesn't even sell this any more. What should i do? Can I exchange it for something else with Tiffany's? Worse comes to worse, I may just sell it on ebay.

i've only worn it twice 'cos it looks too fancy for day-to-day occasions... more like something you wear to a glamorous wedding

回答 (10)

2008-12-10 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
theres nothing wrong with wearing it !!
its tiffanys darlin.
explain to your current bf that you dont have any feeling towards your ex whatsoever, and you just like the bracelet. he should understand [:

just don't make it into an argument, be calm.
2008-12-10 8:03 am
If it doesn't mean anything to you, then keep it. It's just a piece of jewelery to you, and it's a nice bracelet and out of production. Why throw it away?

Tell your new boyfriend that you respect his wishes, but it doesn't mean anything to you and you just like the bracelet in itself. If he doesn't accept that, then maybe you have something to think about.
2008-12-10 8:00 am
give it to me and ill sell it i need some cash...
nah but seriously take it to tiffany and ask if u can exchange it for soemthing else or jsut sell it in the trading post or ebay or soemthing
2008-12-10 7:57 am
Sell it, give it to someone else, or give it back to your ex.
2008-12-10 7:57 am
Suggest your current bf buy you a cool new bracelet for x-mas.
Put your ex's in the bottom of your jewelry box.
When you and your current bf break up, you can have 2 to choose from.
Don't tell the next bf it was from your ex. That just causes them stress.
2008-12-10 7:56 am
well, you should just tell your bf the truth, and tell him you have no ffelings attaached to it, you just like the style
2008-12-10 7:55 am
You don't need to get rid of it. OMG WTF It's TIFFANYS. If they don't make it anymore you should hang on to it.
2008-12-10 7:55 am
Keep it there is nothing wrong in having it if you have no feeling for your ex in a sexual way your boyfriend will get over it but do talk ot him and explain things.
2008-12-10 7:55 am
if you like it so much then why have you only worn it twice? seems like you are holding on to a memory and you should probably get rid of it.
2008-12-10 7:54 am
Send it to me for Christmas. In return I will give you free advice anytime.

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