Does China have the same as the US in ?

2008-12-10 3:17 am
that every county in US has a special hotline for beaten wife and abused child. And it goes with a huge funding and state sponsored organization. Why I did not see that or some similar in China?

And why China and its people did not raise it and dwell upon it, like the question posted below:

Anybody cares to give an answer ?

Thanks in advance .

I did not deny there exit husband beating wife. The difference in china and US or UK, where you are from, is this: widespread or pervasiveness. Weak culture and agression is the key indicator.

回答 (7)

2008-12-10 11:16 pm
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It's has to do with the belief that any domestic problems should be kept within the family and behind closed doors. You won't see Chinese women going to other people to complain about their abusive husband because they believe that doing so not only brings shame to their husband and his family, but also her own family. For the longest time, women are encouraged to just live with it. They think that a man will not beat his wife unless "it's her fault" or "she deserved it" or so the culture thinks. You will find this similar belief in many Asian cultures, including Korean, Japanese, East Indian, etc. Things are getting better as government departments will interfere if they suspect any woman or child is being abused.

In Western countries, women are encourage to deal with it by talking about it, reporting it and putting an end to it, because an abusive husband is "not your fault" and women "deserve better".
2008-12-10 11:42 am
because it's part of their "human rights"

yea, just like the freedom of religion also includes Catholic priests rape little boys.

at least in China we don't have to worry about Buddhist monks doing that
2008-12-10 12:40 pm
Wife beating in China is a question that is only talked about behind doors has it is consider a private affair and not one of the state until lately.

Setting up a system would admit there is a problem with society. No, matter how many great things China has done in the last couple of years they still have trouble then it comes to admitting that things may not be as rosy as they should be.

Also there is a unspoken tradition in families that admitting such a thing would be a failure of the marriage and in most cases the girl would be blamed, so in the end the girl keep quite.

As of yet China anti-wife beating programs are not as good as other counties in the world ie no shelters, aid or like-wise many women simply keep quite about it because they do not have the money or place to go to.

As for your second part of your question, its totally misleading, here asking why the people of that time did it.

I did not deny there exit husband beating wife. The difference in china and US or UK, where you are from, is this: widespread or pervasiveness. Weak culture and agression is the key indicator.

You are not making sense here, can you rephrase.
As for key indicators you are half right its aggression but not a "weak culture", you should change "weak culture" with sociality's attitudes towards women.
2008-12-11 3:08 am
Why do you ask? Does Checks B, Srib M beat the wife?? Ha
2008-12-16 10:33 am
Domestic violence is a universal problem. Where there is society, family mix of genda age. there is domestic violence.
2008-12-16 1:40 pm
There are groups for women and children, one of my students works with abused women here in Shanghai, I just don't think it is as open as it is in other countries, it is done quietly

I tried to find you some links, but, the internet is REALLY slow today
2008-12-11 12:37 pm
you can't compare two cultures...
here women and children are obliged to submit...
that's the pyramid of hierarchy...

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