用一個字係F 開頭為題目 做一個 1分鐘既speech (20分丫) (希望今日有 >_<)

2008-12-10 4:55 am
例如: father, favourite place 等等<~~~~~~~~呢D係題目

回答 (2)

2008-12-10 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
why don't you use the word "friends"?? simple?

Friends are so important to me. Without friends, I am all alone at school.
You can say also - - Friends can share your joy, share each other stories, share burden, share unhappiness.
Friends can also bring you good idea, give you extra help, and kill time.
Good friend teach you good things.
Bad friends, on the other hand, bring you bad future. They will lead you to wrong place, do bad things, disobey parents, make you unless in your life. Worst of all, may lay you in jail or even harm you, kill you.

Therefore, friends are so important. Different kind of friends will give you differnt kind of living, future, and respect.

OK, that's all. you put them in your own words and good luck in your speech presentation. At least you got to do some work. This is your homework. Right?
參考: my tree of knowledge
2008-12-11 3:19 am
我認為可以use "friends" or "family"."friend"比人say左,等我say "family" la. Start 個陣時可以咁講:
Good morning/afternoon,teacher (and classmates). Today, I want to have a presentation about (title).
1. Indroduce your family--
My family has __(number) family members.跟住寫d佢地嘅資料:job,charactristics(特徵-可能串錯),how they treat you
2. the importance of family
I think family is very important beacause when we need to slove some difficut problems/difficuties, beside our friends, our family is the best choice to help us; when we feel sad or happy ,beside our friends, we can share our feeling to our family; family can also help us to bear the resonsibilties.
3. you want a family like......
MAybe you don't have a brother/sister and you want to have one then you can talk something about.
I don't have any brother and sister , i always feel boring when I am alone.ALthough I have some friends, but i think family is better than them!!!

參考: me

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