what is aged to perfection?點慶祝的?

2008-12-09 11:34 pm
what is aged to perfection?

aged to perfection同over the hill 有乜分別?

回答 (2)

2008-12-10 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am aged to perfection. ( 70 years old or +)
I am over the hill. ( It mainly refers to 40 years old something)

How do they celebrate ?
It depends. I met a white lady long ago. She only invited her friends over to her place and ate together.
What would you do when you were aged to perfection?
As for me, I would thank lord for letting me live for decades.
I guess I'd probably have a birthday party with my close friends and family.

2008-12-11 12:22 pm
"aged to perfection" = letting something mature/get better over time (ie. wine, cheese)

"over the hill" = kept too long and too old, past the prime of life

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