a series of fortunate events happen有冇錯grammar

2008-12-09 7:52 pm
a series of fortunate events happen
定係 a series of fortunate events happens 先岩
個verb係base on "a series" or "events" ?

回答 (2)

2008-12-09 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A series of fortunate events (ocurred/happened).
I suggest you use " ocurred".

A series of fortunate events( has ocurred).
You should use either" present perfect tense" or " simple past tense".
It is because that means 發生.
You may use future tense or present tense too.
1) A series of fortunate events would occur. ( lower possibility)
2) A series of fortunate events will probably occur. ( higher)
3) A series of fortunate events are going to occur, I think.( very high possibility)
1) A series of fortunate events may occur.( high)
2) A series of fortunate events might occur.( lower)
Note: If you say " A series of fortunate events happenS",( present tense)
It implies that it is a general truth.

A series of fortunate events.( It is singular here)

Usage Note: Series is both a singular and a plural form. When it has the singular sense of "one set," it takes a singular verb, even when series is followed by of and a plural noun: A series of lectures is scheduled. When it has the plural sense of "two or more sets," it takes a plural verb: Two series of lectures are scheduled: one for experts and one for laypeople.
I found this for you from dictionary.com
個verb係base on "a series" or "events" ?
Ans: " a series"


2008-12-09 14:43:03 補充:
3) A series of fortunate events IS going to occur, I think.( very high possibility)*************
2008-12-09 8:43 pm
"a series of fortunate events happen" is right
Verb = happen, based on events

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