
2008-12-09 4:25 pm
would you give me some examples to explain related to the topic?

Thank for your help!!!

回答 (5)

2008-12-09 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,
My suggestions:
1) Make sure you study the topic beforehand.
2) Try to talk about the same thing with different words.
I went to the cinema with my friends. The cinema was..............
You may replace the second" cinema" with " movie house".
3) Read more different books and learn from great English writers
in your spare time.
4) Look at your sentences logically.
My dog has died for ten years. <----------------( illogical sentence)
You may say something like:
- It has been ten years since my dog died. OR
- My dog died ten years ago. ( Simple past tense)
5) Try to avoid oxymora.
What is that?
1) A stupid fool <----------------Fools are stupid. We don't need to use" stupid" here.
2) Silent scream <------------------------How can we scream silently?
3) paid volunteer <--------------------------Volunteers don't get paid.
6) Be careful with the tenses you use.
7) When you come across" nouns", you have to make sure if you are going to talk about one, some or all of them.
1) I bought ten banana yesterday. It was very yummy.<--Wrong!
2) I bought ten bananaS yesterday. They were all very yummy.
8) Try to link up broken sentences or simplfy them.
- I bought ten yummy bananas yesterday.
( My name is Whatiswhat29. I am from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a beautiful city.)
- My name is Whatiswhat29 from a very beautiful city named Hong Kong. ( One sentence here)
9) Learn more adjectives, phrases and expressions and how they are used.Some adjectives are only used for humans.
I was so exciting to see him. Wrong!
I was so excited to see him. Correct!
When you know more expressions or words, you will be able to decribe things or people with better or different words.
1) She is beautiful. ( Beautiful <- is too common.)
2) She is a real knockout.( noun)
3) She is the apple of my eye.( idiom)


2008-12-18 6:17 pm

多看英文書, 作句時句子不要太長, 簡易明白即可.
2008-12-18 6:14 pm
Reading more books is a great help for you.

They dont have to be really thick books with difficult words, but some simple fiction stories may attract your attension

and you would narrate the story in your mind.

Also watching movies would help.

You should watch more english movies.

If you buy DVDs or VCDs to watch,

remember put English subtitiles on, instead of Chinese!

You could follow what they are talking about by reading the subtitles IN ENGLISH!
參考: me! school teachers!
2008-12-09 10:54 pm
多看書, 可增加詞彙及句語的多種形態。
多看英文新聞或英文報紙, 有好多名詞或用語, 和我哋生活相關的, 都要知多啲。便可以增加用詞的靈活度。
想改良, 應該每天都做看和聽英文的動作, 日日做, 一定會有進步。單看常犯的 (應是文法方面) 其實已每日都讀到 (讀緊書的), 應走出一大步讓英文生活化, 才可大大改善自己的水平。
2008-12-09 8:36 pm
常查字典 - Make sure the spelling and tenses used are correct.
大聲閱讀 (數次) - Make sure the sentences are using smoothly.
不要刻意用太多深字 - Remember simplest English is the best English.

小小意見, 不關英文事 - 要有(故事)大綱, 思考, 合理, 題材不要越寫越遠, 埋唔到尾.
參考: Own knowledge

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